My inofficial contribution to the new James Bond Soundtrack


New member
With this song I tried to capture some of the musical signature elements from the famous 007-OSTs without simply plagiarizing them.

Imagine this piece underlying a wild 007-action-sequence with its occasional quite moments - do you think it would fit in a Bond movie?

Besides that how would you improve production/composition and arrangement?

Thanks for your help! Any comments are highly appreciated.

MP3 / 2.2 MB:JamesBond

The keyboard thing at the beginning is too warbly. Get that rhythm tidied up - it sounds like vibrato gone wrong. The guitar sound isn't bondish. try a straight Les paul through a big cab or something similarly idiosyncratic so that it can be clean dirty.
Apart from those 2 picks it's nifty & right on the money stylistically except that panning thing was a bit heavy handed.
I love the rhythm guitar part by the way - Love Unlimited Orchestra meets 007.