My Girlfriend's first track

It is a nice tune. I like the stripped down style-not too much going on-just saying what needs to be said. She has a very pleasant voice, especially for this style. The guitar is a little low in the mix for my taste. There is a little pitch/tone problem in her lower vocal at about 1:02-nothing major-just catches the ear a bit. I also think the lower vocal track should be a little less dominant over the upper one-again just my taste. I think that a bridge or instrumental interlude separating the two verse/chorus sections would add some interest. There you go--my opinion and 95 cents buys coffee!

Good luck with the rest of the project
Very pretty voice. Great presence, nice top end to it.

Some pitch problems. Nothing major, but there are spots that I think should be corrected. A couple of punch-ins should do it. Not sure how I feel about the harmonies not being tight with the lead vocal. In many spots it works. But in other spots the two tracks are so far out of sync that it's a little distracting. Couple of plosives here and there.

Little pops at :49, 1:55, 2:01
i agree with the fact that the harmonies could be tighter in a couple spots, and the guitar could be a little louder. But overall it was a pretty good mix and a job well done!
I started taking notes and then I realised that TripleM had pretty much covered it...

I find the high harmony a bit off the leash in places. Pitchy and timing. I'm listening on headphones in an office but sounds to me like there's something not quite right in the background at 2.36-ish though...

On the hgh harmony bit - it's an interesting effect, but easily overused. Perhaps try some passages without it and cut it in for particular lines... just a thought.

Nice though!
Hey guys thanks for all the help! If you want I can record the vocal track again with the harmonies mimicking the lead vocals and re upload so you guys can hear it :) I will bring the guitar up a bit aswell ;) I'm only 17 and am heading off to uni next year so I am trying to get a decent portfolio behind me at the moment and I appreciate all of the input.
I've listened to this a few times now, and held off on commenting, cuz I thought my laptop speakers were blown, but...

...the guitar sounds muffled or something. Like you recorded to tape and were a little too hot. It gives it a lo-fi quality. I'm into lo-fi, and got that vibe from it, but was that on purpose?

I'm with Armi on (at least, trying) dropping out on the harmonies periodically, tho I would try dropping the low and/or the high. Try 'em both
I think guys are being nice cuz your new, my first thought was the high harmony sounds terrible. On second listen the composition and lead vox are quite good, but I would not start the listener off with the harmonies. You could bring them in more as the song progress's. I would also make them much tighter, but thats just my preference. Overall has alot of potential.
Thanks for the honesty mate, I will be uploading a new version of the song tonight hopefully and you can have a listen and see if it sounds a bit nicer :)
Also, I can't remember who mentioned it but, an interlude or break would do well for this song. It feels like it's over too soon. It could just be an instrumental break, or some "ooh, aah's". Nothing spectacular, but I would like it to go on another 15-30 seconds or so