My friends, the Blendours

I posted this same message on the Tape Op boards. I apologize for anyone who reads both... which is probably most of you! Anyway:

it came from the radio | The Blendours

I didn't record this, nor did I play on it, but it's my friends and I think it's really great music! This album and all their others (They put out 3 more this year...!) were recorded on a Boss BR600 with the built-in mics. You can't take yourself too seriously while you're listening to these songs either, which has been a nice change for me, especially after my last year and a half of Fugazi.

I think these songs demonstrate beautifully how an extremely simple, stripped down performance can hint at a bunch of underlying stuff and lets your brain fill in the blanks with whatever you choose. I hear an equal amount of Phil Spector and Blink 182 happening in here, among a billion other influences, presented in a package different from any of those influences. Whichever way you decide to take it, these are packed with nothing but back to back to back hooks with super strong melodies and tight harmonies.

If you're going to only listen to two songs, listen to She's Number One and Never Loved You. If you're going to listen to more of their "old" stuff, start with Broke Zach Mountain and work backwards. Happy 2012!