My first tune


New member
After putting together a little hobby-type studio with help from the folks here, I finished 3 songs. I'll try posting this one because it's more rock oriented. The other 2 are easy listening and country. (I'm an old fart)

Although I listened to it on every system I could, and in a bunch of cars, it sounds to bassy on my new computer. I was feeling no pain when I wrote the song so I tried to communicate that feeling with the spacey vocals.

No excuses, no other players to blame

cool groove to it..
cool is that you on the lead guitar ??
nice. sounds very 70's santana-ish
nice harmonies .....really good job there



yeah that guitar playing is really sweet!!!
Thank you so much..... I cringed as I clicked on the reply.

Everybody identifies the flavor with Santana???? It wasn't intentional. I actually used a L.P. classic through a little Pandora practice unit set to B.B. King tone to come up with a sound I was comfortable playing with. That and a basic e.q. setting as suggested here at H.R.

Yes I did all the parts except that I had an actual bass player replay the bass parts that I had played. It wasn't as smooth the first time even though the notes were the same.

Thanks again


P.S. How do you like the band name I just made up?
Good lead and harmony vocals.Nice hook in the chorus.That signature guitar lick sounds really cool.Oh yeah,very nice guitar playing on the solo.You play with feeling and it translates well into this recording.

The mix sounds a little on the dark side.It sems to be begging for some highs somewhere in the mix to give it some air.The acoustic could use just a small amount of highs added to it IMHO.I think that would make those harmonics you hit ring out a little better also.It's kinda boxy sounding as it is right now.

Overall this is a good tune and your vocal and guitar playing make it shine.
Thanks Kramer.

I followed an E.Q. primer that was posted over in the rack. I just set everything as the chart was written. I know it's pretty corny, but it actually sounded twice as good as the mix I did by ear and it only had half of the E.Qing that I did.

You're absolutely right in your call about where I need work


Smokepole said:
Everybody identifies the flavor with Santana???? It wasn't intentional.
Yeah, but I don't think it's the tone as much as the style (both your playing and the tune). Personally, I'd consider it a compliment. Okay, now there's something that...well, now that does sound like a Carlos tone. Anyway, some of the coolest recordings I have were accidents, so don't let the fact that you weren't going for that comparison bug ya'.

I'm not gonna' comment on the mix b/c of my current listening environment, but from what I can tell, you know what you're doing. Weirdish cymbal thing on the right side...really phasey sounding.

Good luck in all your Endeavors, Challenge(r)s, and Discoveries,

(I'm on a space shuttle kick right now...ignore me)

That was a really cool tune. And personally, I thought the lead guitar work was a bit more interesting than Santanas! I'm not bashing Carlos here, I just think his stuff is about 80% style,20% content. Yours was more content.

I really enjoyed the piece. It had a nice flow thru feel to it, no hard turns along the way. Kramer said dark, I hear that too. You got a really good mix, Id just like a little brighter presence to it, especially the vocal. The drums & perc' could come up so they can interact with the bass some more, maybe a "splash" here and there. I think you a got a good sound nailed in your mix, maybe a few little tweaks to make it more personal to you. Over all, it sounds really nice to me. I`m biased a bit cause its a genre I love as well. :)

Good tune... and nice changes in the structure.
Drums could come up in the mix, and the bass guitar might be a bit busy. Your voice and delivery are good and your guitar playing is sweet! I hear Steely Dan and Larry Carlton all the way...

Did you mike the guitar amp or DI? I can't say I was sold on the tone...try dialing back the overdrive a little and let the guitar *tone* through...speaking of overdrive, what are you using?

nice job!

You guys are way to kind. I'm totally flattered by all the compliments. You're all correct about the fine tuning and tweaking. I have a decent ear, but the knack of fine-tuning things is definitely an art, one that I really need to develop.

I honestly don't even know where in the sound spectrum any of the instruments really lye. I don't want to give anyone the impression I have a clue. My original mix was UGLY.

I might have a copy of that primer on a disk somewhere. I'll post it if I do. I didn't even listen to it as I went. I set the tracks the way the sheet said. It's like an idiots guide to a basic E.Q. that's why it lacks that bit of life that a lot of you guys are capable of adding.

mcmd I hear Steely Dan and Larry Carlton all the way...
That is a compliment that penetrates to the bone! Carlton is the sweetest player, I love Carlton and Steely. Thank you.

I made a mistake earlier when I described the guitar track. It's actually a L.P.Classic through a Sansamp PSA-1, direct. It was the BB King preset but I tweaked it. I bought that unit because of a suggestion over in the rack also. That is a great unit. It only has amp tones no effects but the clean channels are awesome and I write country stuff also. (The Marshall sound is also very accurate) If you are interested, I went on google and checked out a site that has some untouched samples. Very impressive.

Thanks again


Nice tune. I love the git tone, it just plain ol' gets to ya.

Your vox and back-up are nice but might be a tad hot in the mix.

I thought the drums were kinda distant and the ride thang on the right could use some pan tightening or something ( sound like it's kinda next door).

Outside of these humble mix opinions of mine, I liked the tune alot. Dig your chops and tone. Nice singin' and phrasing.

Glad I listened.


Sounds great Joe, love the tone and playing. Vocals also sound very good. Wanna hear more man!
First off, can someone educate me here a little. When posting this second tune should I have started another thread?

O.K. Here's a fun tune. Notice the band name I gave myself to remind me to keep music fun. "ITCHY KRAK"

This ones completely different. I describe it like this.
Lynyrd Skynyrd meets Alabama (at Chuck Berry's house)


Thanks Gents,


I'll dump this thread and start a seperate one for the other song. Thanks
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Smokepole said:
First off, can someone educate me here a little. When posting this second tune should I have started another thread?

O.K. Here's a fun tune. Notice the band name I gave myself to remind me to keep music fun. "ITCHY KRAK"

This ones completely different. I describe it like this.
Lynyrd Skynyrd meets Alabama (at Chuck Berry's house)


Thanks Gents,

Start a new thread. I'll comment when you do.
Hey SP, tune man. I get the Santana feel from it too. Is there a tom hit in there in a few spots thats a little late? Im listening here at work, and these speakers arent to be trusted. The bg vocs in this are excellent man.... Nice solo at the end too.
....nice tune man!!

Nice playing, Smoke-a-bowl. Good harmonies... though, they seem mixed too loud by about 2.5 db...

Hard to tell the recording quality w/a 56kbps file... though I'm sure Waldo loves you for it (less bandwidth for streaming) :)

Love the jazzy feel; you have songwriting chops. "Shuffled thoughts turn to sins"...

Yup, hate to say it. Santana... his tone (the L.P.), and that two-note signature lick (in your song). When you go off and solo in the outro, it loses some of the Santana feel.

Actually "hate to say it?" WTF am I talking about? "Santana" should be a compliment ;)

Would like some large, roomy reverb on this... but with the vocals "close", and just a hint of the reverberations in the background. Nice job.

And welcome to the mp3 pile!! :D


participant said:
Nice playing, Smoke-a-bowl. Good harmonies... though, they seem mixed too loud by about 2.5 db...

Hard to tell the recording quality w/a 56kbps file... though I'm sure Waldo loves you for it (less bandwidth for streaming) :)


I wish folks would not stream....Streaming audio is frowned on here at work, but I can download a few files here and there :)

Plus my connection at work sucks! I'll only stream audio on my cable connection at home.

Plus if it makes things harder for Waldo why bother streaming?
Guernica and participant thanks.

I went back a few pages but didn't catch any of your threads. I'm trying to return the listen. It seems like you should share in the others excitement as you ask for feedback. I'm trying to learn!

Smoke-a-bowl, that was hysterical. My wife happened to be looking over my shoulder while I read it and we both burst out laughing.

Bongs, no, at least not lately.
Muzzleloaders, yes. Hope you're not disappointed.
