My First Track!

The comments that were left on soundcloud are very good advise. Firstly, and most important is that the lead vocal has too much reverb on it. It's taking too much away from your natural sound, which is pretty nice on its own. Use a reverb with a little less decay time and bring the effect level down a bit, maybe 1.5-2 db, just experiment. Also, holding back your vibratto a bit (especially in the lower range) would help make this a little easier listen because, as is, the style of your voice doesnt seem to coincide with the style of the song. Finally, it may a be an unrealistic option right now, but if you can get some 'real' instruments (worst culprit is the guitar) that would help.......P.S., to my ears, the shaker is a little harsh and too loud. Good work for a first track though!
I almost started laughing when the singing started, but then I realized that it wasn't a comedy song :D
I'll second the comments on the vocal reverb. It's too wet. The distinct echos are taking away from the clarity. I'd pull the level way down, shorten the predelay, and shorten the decay.

You have a very strong and nice sounding voice. It doesn't need to be washed out. It can stand up on its own.

The backing instrument tracks have a bit of a fake sound.
What's funny is the middle aged loudmouth with nothing better to do than pick on people from behind a computer screen telling someone else to "grow a pair". Lol
Relax. His first post is a valid opinion. Not what you might expect, but still valid.
While that was a pretty good effort for a first track, I am willing to bet that you applied reverb with the default settings that come up and didn't try to alter them.

Typically, if you can clearly hear the reverb trailoff, its too much. Knock it back until you can barely hear it, then bring it up just a bit to add space to the vocal. If there is more reverb in the vocal than in the backing track, it will sound, as other comments have said, further back in the mix. Its just how our perception through hearing works. Try to match the reverb levels and then use very slight adjustments to move the vocal forward or back until you have the right sense of "space" in the recording.
What's funny is the middle aged loudmouth with nothing better to do than pick on people from behind a computer screen telling someone else to "grow a pair". Lol

Sorry if I hurt your feelings, but don't be so butt hurt. Calling me a loudmouth is just being childish seeing how I only typed 2 sentences total before this post. If you put your stuff out there and someone finds it funny is no reason to get all internet tough guy. You can expect criticism because only your family and friends are going to tell you it's super good. A better response would of been asking what I found funny and then working on correcting the issues. I've had people put the full force of their critique on my music as well and instead of getting defensive I took it into consideration and worked towards improving. It's not an over night process and I have yet to perfect what I do. I'm not as good as most of the people here at recording, mixing, etc. etc. etc. You don't see me crying about it when someone says, change that it sounds stupid. That said, suck it up buddy. Pull the stick or whatever you have lodged in your ass right out of there and get use to the fact that not everyone is going to appreciate everything you do :D
FoulPhil. The purpose of people posting in this forum is to receive constructive criticism from others. Please re-read your original comment and tell me if you honestly believe that was helpful in any way? If you diddnt like something or found it funny, than rather than making a rude comment, explain what to don't like and or find funny and what you might do differently. That's my point. It's not about hurting anyone's feelings, it's about the fact that there was no good reason to leave a comment like that....
FoulPhil. The purpose of people posting in this forum is to receive constructive criticism from others. Please re-read your original comment and tell me if you honestly believe that was helpful in any way? If you diddnt like something or found it funny, than rather than making a rude comment, explain what to don't like and or find funny and what you might do differently. That's my point. It's not about hurting anyone's feelings, it's about the fact that there was no good reason to leave a comment like that....

That's too bad if you wanted more from me and think my post was pointless. It obviously made enough of a point to letting you know it sounded goofy to me. It's just my opinion. Just because I decided not to waste too much time on it doesn't mean my view is pointless and invalid. Suck it up bro. Suck it up. You're just critiquing my critiquing style LOL :D

yup, dude's right.

Says who?
Everyone just try to get along... Nothing was said that was slanderous or even mean actually. Opinions, and a bit of razzing are a part of a community like this. We all have to take the bad with the good.

Let's just move on to the 309 threads, and enjoy some totally ridiculous behavior. :)
I almost started laughing when the singing started, but then I realized that it wasn't a comedy song :D

Thanks for that :) as you say in a post above though i do expect criticizm as all my friends and family do just say its good and u dont learn by people blowing bubbles up ya backside so to speak..

But just to say, i actually sing for a living, and its a pretty good one at that, im 20 years old, just finished a 8 month med cruise as there lead vocalist playing the role of Val Jean in les mis, & back again in febuary.

Im quite new to this recording stuff and its a lot harder/different than singing it to a live audience, which is why im here .. to learn :)

Agree with the comments about the reverb, ive altered it slighty and sounds a lot better.. yeh will try and sort the guitar out, sounds quite wrong but best i could do ha..

Thanks for all the constructive criticizms hopefully my next one will be better..
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just as a question what do people recommend for a reverb plugin? this attempt was done using silververb...
If you are looking for a free one, I've made some great tracks with Ambience. Its got a lot of features and sounds pretty good.