my first showing

What chord are you playing on that desktop? :D

I went to University of Iowa myself so I'll give ya props for being in Iowa. Do you get many bands in ames?
he caught me watching my metering levels on the overheads... ames has been alright for me so far, I know the other studios in town are struggling for business, but they also charge up to $50 an hour... I still eat ramen and rock out just knowing that I can wake up and sit down at my desk... i'm not generating wealth for some huge idiotic corporation.
That's real cool, even if you just record local teen/student rock and indie bands, you've got a job for life! You may even turn out to be the next Steve Albini on the way, (oh no wait, he doesn't do digital) :cool:

btw, what did happen to Goldilocks?
yeah, he's kinda a hero... i started on nothing, and so far, it's been the way i do things that moves me along, not the gear that i get.

edit: just got the hard copy, made the FRONT PAGE
rawk oooon. so i'm still buzzin on the fact that it's front and center, and in the hard copy, there's 2 freggin' huge pics of me, the other pic is muuuch less ugly. oh well. i'm gonna frame it this weekend. heh. you ever come over the ames way man?
Yeah.. I come over Ames way every now and then... our drummer lives in Grinnell and works in Des Moines, so I get out to his place from time to time.

I'm in a group called "Just William"

I'd love to sit down and chat recording next time I'm in town.

I'm in the process of putting a new console in my studio... that is as soon as I find one I can afford and want.

I sold my last console a few weeks ago and the deal I had for a new one fell through... back to the drawing board I guess.
