My First Posting!!!


New member
Ok, hopefuly this works. Please give me feedback--it's all I ask. Also, going beyond the mixing aspects, could you share what you think of the song in terms of song writting, aside from mixing/recording quality? Please don't listen to the low quality streaming audio. It's a disgrace to my music file, and I would do the same for you. Thanks much!!


I know I'm in the stone age. I'd love to check it out, but it would take me till next week to d/l it. Some of the fast connect people will check it out I'm sure.
First off- you don't need 320 Kbps to get listenable quality. 192 Kbps will be much more accessible without chasing away alot of potential listeners.

Check out the free RCA mp3pro encoder for doing a 64 Kbps version. Only 3.28MB.

The vocals are hidden behind the mix a little too much in places.

Levels were right up there. Plenty of dynamic range.

I liked the meter which, while in 4, sounded more complex, but the majority of listeners will not. It sounded less like a purposeful deviation than a drummer who was playing a different song from the guitarist. You could've gotten it a little tighter to please the purists but what the heck?
Ok i finally finished downloading......

I liked the song and the recording was very respectable....the only thing i didnt get was the drum sound in the intro...kinda muffled and buried at times.....other than that i thoroughly enjoyed listening to it......
First Posting

The drums were a bit weak on the intro. Good tune.
Need to back off the flange a bit...the T's C's and S'ssss were predominant. Maybe use a de sser...

You, crazy-crazy people :)

I would of uploaded and posted a link to my smaller file version by now but IUMA says their uplink service is down for maintenance. I fear they just don't like me. So low and behold, I checked out nowhere radio. They don't have any problems and the upload was easy. As a matter of fact, I'll edit my first post here to include the link to the smaller file version.

I have to admit this is one of our least accesible songs, we usualy are melower and are more strait forward musicaly. The sax also usualy has much more of a natuaral tone. I hope I didn't scare anybody off :) Our recording equipment is God-awful, with just the minimum stuff to record with. Once the tracks are recorded there's not much we can do with it. All effects were pedal effects most notably used by the sax. All the mics were SM-57s, (That the right number?) and I wish we could of used some compression on drums, and a de-esser on vocals would of made me very happy.

drstawl, I tried downloading your lung/spore song but it wouldn't let me. Actualy, who am I to just shift blame to "it"? My troubles really could of been caused by stupidity. Let's by no means rule that out! Also, thanks for letting me know that I needed to change my kbs level for my converted mp3 files.

First off Gidge, I must say. What a trooper! You stuck with it and much like the choo-choo train from that childrens book, you showed us all that you can acomplish anything--if you just put your mind to it. Thanks again! Frankly, the intro drum sound pisses me off too. I'm really not sure what causes this? The mix isn't any diffrent on the drums at that part, and the drums were all recorded in one take so there's no diffrence in the recording of that part. Drums are the hardest things to record and mix well though, eh?

Gidman, I wish you were there when we recorded. The saxophonist insisted on the flange. Even after I showed him a much smoother, and warm phase effect. It would of acomplished what he wanted and sounded better in my opinion. Oh well, we did use the phase on all the previously recorded songs and he did want a diffrent sound on this one. I can respect that. When a d-esser's in the budget, we'll use it. Same goes for compression, eq, and processors.
It won't let me edit my first posting for this thread. Says you can't after 333 minutes have past since the original post was made. So here's my lower sized file link here:

Last edited:
Aaargh, Irony, please do not direct link to the mp3 files! Yer ripping me off man and breaking the rules!

Besides, soon, any and all direct connections will 'fail' and count as a strike on users accounts... 3 strikes, and the account is disabled...

I did not know this :(

Could you please tell my inatentive basterd self where this was stated. Also here's a much friendlier link sir, to an actual site. (Is that what you wanted?) My intentions were never to rip you off or take advantage. If only you knew of the niavety of this newbie you'd see the humour in that. Are you an Administrator? If so could you please switch the direct links in earlier posts with the friendlier link here? I can't edit the earlier posts I made in this thread anymore and I don't much care to have any strikes against me. Thanks.
No no, I own NoWhere Radio.

The license agreement states that you follow the rules :)

Anyways, the link you are supposed to place would be:

The reason is that bandwidth costs me money, and currently, the only way to pay for that bandwidth is the little ad you see at the
top of the pages :)

By placing direct links on your geocities website, you are also in violation! Please, help me keep supporting y'all, I'm broke, and can barely afford the lines right now... Just place a link to:

And everybody can get to your files!

Oh yah, and can you turn on streaming permissions so I can have a listen without having to download the file first please?

Thx :)

This has become quite amussing:) Ok I understand, and am very apreciative of your service, you do a much better job then the other services out there, and I'll change it at once. Sorry, didn't mean to cause harm.

I agree with drstawl, the drumming sometimes
is 'over the bar', especially for a long
time before it comes back to the quiet part at
the end. I personally love that sort of thing,
but would recommend, as he did, that you come back
sooner so as not to lose the listener. I like the
drum feel... very jazzy.