My first offering. What do you think of the production?


New member
I'd like to hear any and all criticisms of this song, particularly on the PRODUCTION aspect.

It's at
login: slkr4lf
password: slkr4lf
public\Luigi- Wasted.mp3

Thanks for your time! ;)
Lest you think I'm asking you to listen without listening to others myself,
S8-N: I listened to your "cover" of Natural Woman. Very funny. The sound was great, though the bass line stuck out at times. (Just my impression) And the vocals, were a little jilty, but I think that's what you were probably going for.

But the recording sounded great!
It sounded okay to me, just a few things here and there. First of all, I don't think the tremelo thing works for this song, it just takes away from the beef of the guitar. Also your solos seemd WAY to loud. Drums, drums, drums, throw some variation in there, a fill or two. The same beat throughout the whole song was for lack of a better word, boring.

I liked the dynamics. I'm not one to criticize drums, mine can be pretty ho hum as well, but an easy way to not have to program 'em is to just add some by hand on a free track and mix 'em to yer heart's content.I played with the eq in Winamp while listening and got some cool tones going just for some highs on the cymbals at intervals...have I mentioned that Realplayer totally SUCKS and that S8-N told me about Winamp which DOESN'T SUCK unlike Realplayer which DOES SUCK????.....anyway, you play well...wonder what a comparatively slow bridge in the middle would do to the overall effectiveness of the tune? Just a thought...gibs
I'm hearing some strange artifacts that make it sound like a cassette tape that has been played too many times. Was this done on 4 trak? If so the heads might need cleaning. If it was done on a DAW then maybe apply a low pass filter to the guitar tracks cause something is creating weird dropouts. The guitar solos were kinda reverby for my taste. Kick drum needs some click.
The playing was tight.
I have to go with ametth on that tremolo in the rhythm section.
My head is still vibrating.
And I thought the drums could be much louder but I wasn't bummed by the repetition. The whole thing could strive to be a lot crisper. What I mean by this rather vague descriptor is the sound of Heart (yeah there was some similarity to Barracuda in the bassline of your tune) in the overall mix.
But your performance was tight.
Thanks to everybody who's responding! This is the first thing I've really recorded. My friend is actually the one playing. I'm the one doing the recording. And this is the result of like 45 minutes worth of mixing. As you could no doubt tell, the drums are just a loop (we don't have a drummer or anywhere near enough mics yet).

Once again, I really appreciate all the feedback. I will try to listen to more of you guys, but it's hard because I am usually at work when I visit this site, and our firm has a strict policy about non-company installed software, etc. They won't even let us change our screensavers!!!! Much less download an mp3 player. But I will be downloading at night/weekends.

Thanks again :)
what equipment do you have? If you or your friend can play drums (from your reply, it seemed like you might have a set), try micing the kit with just a few mics. You really dont *need* mics on every single drum. give it a shot, you might be suprised.

This is your first recording? Wow, that's pretty cool. I agree with S8-N about the guitar being a little too reverby, but that's a personal taste issue. You already know about the drums and the tremelo thing, so I won't go there. I can't hear the bass guitar, is there one? I also think the lead guitar is too loud in the mix, a problem made worse by the reverb.

Don't be discouraged though (I don't think you will be), it sounds a Hell of a lot better than my first recordings! Keep up the good work.