My African Grey Parrot on the beat! lol


Active member
Well, I've been working on a project this week and ended up inadvertently recording my African Grey parrot while tracking some vocals.

Due to some logistics issues, he temporarily lives in the studio. For anyone who knows Greys, you know that's not ideal. He's a big talker, whistler, screamer, barker, meower, etc...

So anyway, as I'm tracking a lead vocal, the bird just happens to whistle in d minor in key with the song at just the right moment! lol. I thought... hmmmmm.. gonna see if I can use that. It's ended up being my favorite part of the track! Thought I would share. lmao

Does my African Grey parrot have a name(<--first time around typo'd "bane", lol)? Do you also require of him to call you "Mr. Roush"?

I'll try to say this as tactfully as possible. Have a plan, it is entirely possible he will outlive you.

edit: I just noticed the title of your video. Jackson, your parrot? Ah, named after famed Confederate General Thomas Jonathan "Stonewall" Jackson. Excellent choice. Speaking of dying, it is said that on his deathbed having been mortally wounded by his own men(mistaken in the darkness of the night for a damn Yankee), in the throws of dying and then suddenly enveloped in a state of calm, Jackson's last utterances were, "Let us cross over the river and rest beneath the shade of the trees", or something like that. He was a great man, a tough sombitch. He died on a Sunday. Incidentally, does your parrot also whistle Dixie?
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Does my African Grey parrot have a name(<--first time around typo'd "bane", lol)? Do you also require of him to call you "Mr. Roush"?

I'll try to say this as tactfully as possible. Have a plan, it is entirely possible he will outlive you.

edit: I just noticed the title of your video. Jackson, your parrot? Ah, named after famed Confederate General Thomas Jonathan "Stonewall" Jackson. Excellent choice. Speaking of dying, it is said that on his deathbed having been mortally wounded by his own men(mistaken in the darkness of the night for a damn Yankee), in the throws of dying and then suddenly enveloped in a state of calm, Jackson's last utterances were, "Let us cross over the river and rest beneath the shade of the trees", or something like that. He was a great man, a tough sombitch. He died on a Sunday. Incidentally, does your parrot also whistle Dixie?
LOL!! It's almost a certainty that he will outlive me. Thankfully, my 18 year old son is on deck when the time comes! Definitely a lifetime commitment!

LMAO!!! No, Sir! It's not that deep. Actually, I was watching Sons of Anarchy at the time we brought him home, and the rest was history. lol. In any event, I would never name an animal after any enemy to these great United States of America! ;)
LOL!! It's almost a certainty that he will outlive me. Thankfully, my 18 year old son is on deck when the time comes! Definitely a lifetime commitment!

LMAO!!! No, Sir! It's not that deep. Actually, I was watching Sons of Anarchy at the time we brought him home, and the rest was history. lol. In any event, I would never name an animal after any enemy to these great United States of America! ;)

Aye, you prefer your parrot an anarchist than an enemy to these great United States of America. Pray tell, the distinction?
I had an African Grey that passed in 2013 at 52 years old. She loved singing! Jackson is very talented. That is awesome that you captured his performance.