My 1st ever post


New member
what this?
Hi Folks; I'm new here and don't have any idea of why I'm here. I got here by looking for some information about soldering copper. I'm not a musical person like you folks are. I'm trying to start out a new hobby in copper. I have only once in my life worked with copper, and that was doing IMPRESSION crafts. I'm not sure if that is a correct term, but it does describe what is done with the copper. My desire is to solder thin stripes together and creat something worth looking at or at least blows well in the wind. I am physcially limited, and need a hobby to use my time more usefully. Currently my time is wasted in front of my pc or tv, with not much else to do, except and occasional jigsaw puzzle.

So are you actually saying you feed the birds and the squirrels have taken over, it always seems to work that way for me? ;)
OMFG i'm sick of all these people coming in here and asking the same BS questions like "How do I solder copper" or "I feed squirrels"...

Um, wait, are these new questions, ones not asking us our opinions on what to buy to make pro recordigns for less than $500?

I may just have to change my stance on the whole no god/god issue...

If you're looking for soldering techniques, that's where I'd start... in fact wikipedia is where I start the majority of my looking for anything... there's a bit of info there and those articles usually contain links to other pages.

If you're looking for a hobby, don't try recording audio. It's painful and expensive. Then again, I suppose squirrels could be too, if oyu thought about it...

I don't think I'm going to think about it.. I have an odd mind when it comes to imagining things, and I really don't want to...
Hey its good to see a new person on the board that isn't asking the same crap over and over. Since you aren't so much into music you should try out our dragon cave, its a hobby in itself, and has recently sucked me in. Its awesome that you're looking into something new and if you post your email I'll have my little bro email you, he's a soldering expert, he's got over 10 years experience and he's 18. So drop me your email and I'll have him hit you up and you can pick his brain. Again, great to see you here and stick around for a while, you just might enjoy it.