MXL 603S - European Dealers...?


New member
These coveted mics seem pretty thin on the European ground and I wondered if anyone could point me in the right direction. I'm looking for a matched pair - can anyone help?

Yous hopefully,

Hello. You could try Turnkey. They don't sell the matched pairs per se. But maybe if you ask they'll match up a pair for you.
Scotsman said:
These coveted mics seem pretty thin on the European ground and I wondered if anyone could point me in the right direction. I'm looking for a matched pair - can anyone help?

Yous hopefully,

Since when did an MXL *anything* become "coveted"?
Just asking......
Mark 7: Thanks! That's a great site and some pretty good prices.

acorec: these mics seem to be pretty popular in the forums I've looked at in terms of bang for buck. Of course if you wanted to share your opinion and offer alternatives, I'd be happy to look into whatever you may suggest ;)


They would be if your only other choice at that price point, nine times out of ten, was the C1000S.
I have been very impressed with Oktava MK-319s. I bought one for $75 at GC. I used it for an evening and went out the next day and bought one more. People may bash these for QC etc. etc...
But, they sound very good on vocals, guitars and percussion. If you have a chance, don't listen to any of the opinions and just try one out. This mic has surprised all of my "high end gear slut" friends. After hearing this mic, all of my buddies ended up buying one or two. You cannot argue with success like that. These are made by hand in Russia and not Chinese. If you select a good one, they sound really nice.
Scotsman said:

acorec: these mics seem to be pretty popular in the forums I've looked at in terms of bang for buck. Of course if you wanted to share your opinion and offer alternatives, I'd be happy to look into whatever you may suggest ;)


The Marshall MXL603S is indeed a "best bang for the buck" SDC mic. :)