Mx802A Mixer routing question


New member
hey all, i'll be using my Eurorack MX802A 8 channel mixer live on my next gig.

as some may know, it has 2 aux effects sends on it. ok, i have my reverb effects unit patched into number 1 aux send. i'm using the second one as a "level control" for my floor moniter.

problem is, the floor moniter is "dry" patched this way. is there ANOTHER way to patch my reverb effects unit where i can get a "wet" reverb signal in my moniters?

i've tried a few things but nada..... :confused: thx,jw
If you've got any open channels, return the reverb to one (mono) or two (stereo) of those and then send to monitor via aux 2. Assuming you're also using the mixer for the main house sound, you'll have to adjust the reverb level so it works for both mains and monitors.

Reverb in monitors? That's something I generally avoid as it can increase the chance of feedback.