MX-2424 - Alternate Storage?


New member
I try to figure out if there any way to hook a firewire/usb 2 Drive directly to a MX-2424 for "smartcopy" a session (without passing thru my computer)

Thank You

There is no way to connect a firewire/usb 2 drive to the MX. Only ethernet and SCSI connectors.

To get to your firewire drive you have to go through your computer and then to your firewire drive.

Hi Ahmed,

I'm Re-recording assistant in post-prod. I work with Tascam MMR8/MMP16, MX-2424, DA-98, Protools, Augan and more..

I also have at my home a "bizard" setup with 3 soundcards (Gadgetlabs, SB and Yamaha) on my poor little pc... seam to work well and a VS-890 (Roland) for recording choirs... is a really good source of informations for me. I do not post often, but I read a lot of info in there (thanks all of you!)

With the MX-2424, I tried to figure out how can I cut the cost and gain in time for transfer/backup procedures. Rack Scsi drive is expensive, more than a Firewire. I saw on Tascam that they devellop a firewire interface for a digital console... was hopping they can do something for MX-2424...
Here, one movie can take up to 160 Gigs in digital sound informations (for all the tracks).. So, data management is my concern here.

Thank you for your offer. It goes both ways, if you need something too.

Sometimes, my english can sound "weird", I try my best! ;)

Montreal, Canada