Mutt Katt


New member
Just recently got these mixes back from mastering for my band. Just curious to what everyone thinks.

I played drums, tracked everything except for 2 and 5 and mixed the whole project. Took forever and everywhere!

Still got a lot to learn...

Mutt Katt | Dead Beat Poetry
I think the vocal level could be turned up quite a bit. The vocals have that stylistic "slur" and inarticulate nature to them, which is fine if it's what you like, but really comes out as a problem when they're too quiet in the mix.
Hmm. Something to keep in mind for the future. I initially had the vocals louder and up front, but the vocalist wasn't a fan. He likes them to be buried in the mix.
I think the vocals sound fine, personally. They fit the music well.

I enjoyed the first 4 songs. I'll be back tomorrow for another listen at a bit more volume. :thumbs up: