Musicman Stingray trade for Warwick?


New member
I need your advice...

I've never been into fender style basses; but to be fair, I had never really given them a shot. I had always played Ibanez and I liked the fuller more round sound (that I thought was an Ibanez quality). Now, I realize you can get all that and more from a musicman (or many higher end bass; the basses I played previously were intermediate b/t $400-$600 range Ibanez). It's been a real good bass to me.

I also have a seldomly used Spector Bubinga 4 string. I've always wanted a warwick. Always. But is this a smart trade??? Musicman Stingray + Spector Bubinga (new costs $599) for a Warwick "Corvette $$ Double Buck 4 String." I played it briefly at Guitar Center and it felt great. It sounded awesome! My friend will buy my musicman for $850 (what he originally sold it to ME for) and is willing to take my Spector to GC and make the trade (plus $850 he'd owe me for musicman) for the Warwick, which sells for $1349.

Should I do it?