Musician's Fiend: My experience

Sorry for the misread of the original post. My bad. GGunn, I was not thorough in preparaton of my reply and in no way intended insult to you or others. Lesson learned, read ALL before reply. I should know that. PM me for clarification.
Sorry for the misread of the original post. My bad. GGunn, I was not thorough in preparaton of my reply and in no way intended insult to you or others. Lesson learned, read ALL before reply. I should know that. PM me for clarification.

No harm, no foul.
Well, this whole thing has been an "interesting" experience, to say the least!!


However, the end result is that I have 2 new guitars that are both completely awesome, I love them both!! The hardest part of it now its trying to decide which one to play!



Or Historic-style:



-mr moon