Musician / Producer looking for feedback and perhaps colabs etc? :)


New member
Hey all,

As per the newbie section, I've just "moved" here and hope that I can feed from the wealth of knowledge and support here to improve my own music, and help others when I can.

Dreamz on Myspace Music

Some samples of my music can be found here, although I've been inactive for a little longer than I would have liked, I'm hoping to kick start my love of music production, who know it might eventually go somewhere!

(excuse the crappy video, had to stick something on it just to get it on youtube :))

Feedback/advice is greatly appreciated and always taken onboard.

I use Reason/Studio One for my music production, I don't really "play" any instruments (although studied music and vaguely remember learning the trombone and cornet lol ) but it all gave me a good understanding of music I guess (and the 15yrs or so of having to "put up with" my dad's music collection).

Enjoy the music!

You can easily make tons of money with these types of clips. TV, movies, commercials etc. Are you legally able to sell these clips or are they under licence only from your sequencing software?
Heya, well i have no idea to be honest lol

Bedroom enthusiast for 15yrs, was on the demoscene back in the Amiga days and member of for many years since, think I've just lacked the self belief that I'd be able to take my music further and that's always held me back from doing it.

Still got a little dream in my head that I could do some work for things like commercials, even movies as well, I tried to be more conformist with the commercial dance scene for a while, to break into that, but that's not really me, I like to be more creative.

If the music is good enough (as an artist is impossible to judge/rate yourself and I'm just not arrogant enough to say "yeah, i rock!" although i "hope" that my music isn't too bad?), then ideas on where/how to take it would be awesome, I'll upload a lot more samples to myspace in a sec :D the tracks are all my own, obviously the ones with the samples from Lord of the Rings and 12 Monkeys would have licensing issues to sort, but those are more "just for fun" tracks :D
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Mantis likes this.

The only big problem I had was that the bassline was too quiet, as were many of the drums, except the kick.

Also, the snare would do well to be a little..."bigger," for lack of a better word.
Cool thx its an older track now and i'be just started work on a new track which will hopefully be my first full vocal track too,not dance tho. :)
Welcome to the clinic. Friendly tip: Pick one song that you want feedback on. Then post it to site like soundclick, soundcloud, or upload it right here. Avoid Myspace and the like.

Welcome to the clinic. Friendly tip: Pick one song that you want feedback on. Then post it to site like soundclick, soundcloud, or upload it right here. Avoid Myspace and the like.


Yup, thanks Brad!! Like he said, the MP3 clinic is for posting one song and getting critiques, comments and feedback on it. Not so much for posting a myspace link and asking for general comments. So, please feel free to post up a song and get feedback on it.

It also helps to get comments from other members if you return the favor. So, be sure to check other submissions in the MP3 Clinic and leave your thoughts on their song. People will be more willing to listen to your material.

nice polished sound....Ive been meaning to get Reason for a while now..I really fancy Thor and Kong, look likes interesting software, and by the sounds of things you get some good sounds out of it

what was the piano patch?

If you are interested on a better site for hosting here's a referral for dropbox, lets you host at 320kbps and is good for file sharing for collabs

I do a bit of electro syuff myself but most of the collabs (all 4 lol) have involved a slightly different style as the dance stuff feels like a one man show a bit
Yeah, dude... This is good stuff. As others will attest to, I really like me some good trance. This definitely qualifies. The only issue I had (and this could have been due to youtube munging the audio) was that the spatiality of the whole piece was seriously lacking. I wanted to feel as if I was floating inside a huge 3-dimensional space, and instead found it only slightly better than 2-D. Granted, this may be due to my earbuds sucking hardcore, but I've listened to trance through em', and managed to get a bit more of a 3-D feeling through em'... So...

anyway.. Loved the bass drops, the piano patch was totally kickin', and the general feel of the song was awesome.

Kudos, my friend, and welcome to the forum. This place rocks my socks.
thanks for the tips and feedback, greatly appreciated :D

reason is a great peice of software, but i think in order to produce something more... professional sounding, you still need a dedicated DAW.

they recently launched Record for this purpose, however I've started using Presonus's Studio One as I love the interface.

working on a new track in the vein of "Rhythm of Life" (on my myspace page) and going for a more realistic sound (even though i'm using guitar/piano vst's or reason instruments).

for Venus Rising i used some of the internal piano sounds within Reason's soundbanks, but loved how they came out on the breakdown - however - it is a track I intend to remaster outside of reason, because I find that Reason lacks that "wideness" achievable with dedicated DAWs.

the sequencer in Reason is brilliant though, and the only one I've found on par is that in Studio One (which is why i'm using it).

I will also feedback/critique other's tracks don't worry about that, right now I've got my head stuck in my new track (and it will remain there for as long as I can remain focused lol as it's going to be the first real track I've started in months!) :D
In ancient Rome there was a dog who had two bones.
he licked at one then the other,
turned in circles then he was dead.
Give me freedom, freedome from choice.
hey dude, to get that that "3d" thing going, use some eq automation in your DAW, talk to kcearl, he does it all the time apparently ;)
also check out his recent song listed here as a reference.
Silly lyric but it illustrates the point.
YOU select a track YOU want folk to listen to & critique.
It's presumptuous to assume that folk will listen to multiple tracks.
Devo's 1st single, 1st EP & 1st LP were far from awful. They were earth shatteringly radical in a way that only a baby boomer could fully appreciate.
actually, all it does is illustrate a level of hostility with no good reason, but whatever floats your boat! :P

If I listen to someones track, I tend to listen to other tracks they've done as well (as I'm sure many people do!)

What a lovely "clicky" place this is!
actually, all it does is illustrate a level of hostility with no good reason, but whatever floats your boat! :P

If I listen to someones track, I tend to listen to other tracks they've done as well (as I'm sure many people do!)

What a lovely "clicky" place this is!

really, "clicky"?

someone expresses an opinion and suddenly this place is "clicky"?

Rays always get more feedback posting a single track, yes people sometimes listen to others but I bet its not that often and it deters from listening in depth to the one you're currently working on. This isnt for showcasing music, its for helping on mixes and hoping that either other ears or more experienced mixers will comment honestly.

I have yet to see you comment on anyone elses music yet we are "clicky". No we're a community, and communities generally work in a certain way..if members of that community try to help by pointing out how that community works they are neither being unfriendly or "clicky"

The choice is yours whether you want to take any of that advice...
i wouldnt, we'd all gang up on you as we are so "clicky" :)

btw...that one post of feedback versus 20 on your own threads surely qualifies you for gold membership :D
lol well, i'll tell you what - it was more than the rest gave for the best part of a day so :D

i also said that i would post feedback, and i will - but it's going to be limited whilst i've got my head down in my track, listen to too many other peoples songs whilst writing your own is distracting and throws you out of your own zone :)