Music you listen to vs. music you make

I've often wondered why music critics down the years have gotten so bent out of shape about the number of chords in a song. A song you love is a song you love, regardless of how many chords, notes or crotchets it exhibits, whether it modulates or undulates or has a flute solo or lute solo.
Or no solo. Or even a beginning......
They are trying to create an illusion of their own sophistication. More cords, more sophisticated the song is.

But hey, those that can do ..... do.
Those that can’t .... teach or become critics.

( just one point of veiw)
I've often wondered why music critics down the years have gotten so bent out of shape about the number of chords in a song. A song you love is a song you love, regardless of how many chords, notes or crotchets it exhibits, whether it modulates or undulates or has a flute solo or lute solo.
Or no solo. Or even a beginning......
I generally like songs that are a bit more complex, but sometimes, you only need 1 or 2 chords for the whole song!
I generally like songs that are a bit more complex, but sometimes, you only need 1 or 2 chords for the whole song!
I like them complex, I like them simple, there's no rhyme nor reason in my head, to be honest. I guess I either like a song or I don't.