Music I like, what do you like??

Music is art. Art is subjective.
I don't expect everyone to like what I like, hell I can't get everyone of my bandmates to play the songs I want to.
Open your mind, grow up and accept reality.
I could fill this thread with good youtube music within the last 4/5 years (I'll spare you that, I don't think you will appreciate it).
If you have music that you like, produced within the last 4 to 5 years, post the YouTube links and avoid saying that you won't post the music because you think that the music might not be appreciated by anyone here.
You can't know for certain that the music you like catches the ear of a listener who also likes it.

Boomer music is how you described all the music posted in this thread. What is boomer music? Is it all music produced after World War Two by baby boomers?

Music tastes, can be genearlationall, decade by decade.

Limiting your interest in music to music only produced in the past 4 to 5 years is the worst approach. You will never learn all there is to hear and learn.
I believe that falling in love with the music of 40 years ago and listening only to that tracks for the rest of my life seems like having a mental disorder to me.
If I still enjoy listening to Beatles music all these decades later, by all means Dr. Recycle, I just might be suffering a mental disorder, alongside millions of other people.

You've been here at HR for long now? And now you're attacking a great thread in Prime Time.

You're in a precarious situation.
I've always wondered why at some point most individuals stop listening to the music of the current year and take refuge in what they listened to when they were teenagers, with the erroneous belief that this was the "golden age" and that's it, nothing significant was composed and played anymore.
This is false (obviously): Art doesn't die just because you're dead inside. Luckily the creativity of composers and musicians will always exist, I could fill this thread with good youtube music within the last 4/5 years (I'll spare you that, I don't think you will appreciate it).
Am I trolling? maybe a little, but for a good cause: to remind the world that Art is not dead, Art is everywhere, you just need to know how to recognize it.
It would be nice (and much more useful and constructive) to point "Music I like" that is at least from the current millennium, even better if it were from the last 3 years.

Ok, I'm done trolling

If only that were true. The last two albums I bought were from Marcus King
I’d settle for contribute or leave :D

I’ll tell ya. This has been a great thread for me. I’ve been exposed to a lot of good music that I may never have found or even looked for on my own.

That’s the whole point.
Well my "Contribute or die" statement was more of a carrot than a stick I'd like to think... or hope...
It's easy to criticize. Let's see what comes.
If nothing, then...

^^ 4th time through, perhaps a tad melancholy for the morning, Friday morning. I'll survive.

"It's as clear as the face on your nose, we inherit the love we are shown."

Not necessarily what one might catagorize as brilliant, but I like that sort of turn of a phrase.

One more listen and off with the day.
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