Multiple headsets


New member
Here's a probably very simple question.

I'm going to be doing a record in a way I haven't attempted before.... A very small practice studio, isolated, but unfortuneatly, the band has stated that they aren't comfortable with doing the record track by track... The room is about as large as most drum-rooms I've worked in.

So, I'm going to have to do a 'one shot', multi-track record (basically live). I'll be dropping guitars through direct boxes into a mixer (which will be a rental, as my stuff was all stolen a while back...), and micing the drums, so that I get little to no bleed from the drums in such a small room.

Now, to do this, I'd like to have all 4 artists on headsets, to hear the mix from the board. This would mean a total of 5 headsets between myself and the artists, as we will all be crammed into this small room.

I assume there is a 'splitter' box of some sort that I can route all the headsets through, so that each artist could hear the mix as they play, exactly the same, off the cue of the board. Am I correct? I assume this because if I just connect the headsets in series via. splitter cables, I'm going to lose the signal quality and volume (more resistance, etc.), and would require an amplifier for each set to be proper.

This is a low-budget, volunteer record... I wanted to do this track by track, which would only require the one headset, but the artists have stated that they rely on cues from eachother rather heavily, and are not comfortable with that sort of record. We also have a major time limitation in the studio, maybe 4-5 hours to do 4 full songs.

Let me know,

There are several different headphone amps that will do the trick. Berhinger even has one.

Just hope they dont all want a seperate mix. Then you will need 4 spare sends and 4 headphone amps :)

I discussed that option with them, but being as it was a low-budget op, I didn't think it would go. I'd like to do it that way, but 4 amps might screw things up (money wise).

Okay, so, you figure a single headphone amp, just using splitters on the outside, will do the job? Or you figure there is a model with 4 outputs?

Most of the headphone routers simply allow individual volume control for each set of phones - but the same mix goes to each phone.

If your board has multiple sends, you could set each send up as a monitor feed (with different levels for each send).

The new Behringer unit (can't recall the number) has four head phone feeds with a master steroe out and inserts for each head phone channel. For the price it's a very decent unit.