Mr8-strange Problem!!


New member
Here's a weird one for ya! Just finished doing three tracks and went to d/l to computer. tr.01 went fine, tr.02 got about 600k and hung up........guess can't cancel the d/l once it's can't even turn the machine off with the switch! I had to disconnect the power supply! Came back and tr.03 went got hung up again! I just listened to tr.02 and it's there just like I recorded it. WTH?
How would I test it to see if the track is fried without loosing the data?
How do I fix this one?

Man, this is weird? Did you try moving it to another track and then trying to transfer? Have you checked with the fostex forum on the fostex site?
Try moving it to another track? I'll have to look that one up in the book, but it sounds like an idea. No, I haven't tried the fostex forum yet.....this board seems a lot more on the ball.

did you actually bounce the track or copy it? I would try a bounce, and then have another attempt at the transfer.
I bounced all 3 tracks to 7/8....worked fine, except the mix isn't exactly what I was looking for. That's why I wanted to get the individual tracks onto the computer. When I tried to move it to tr.04, I just copied and pasted. Do you think I should bounce the track to 5/6 or 7/8?

WOOHOO!!! It worked! Now..............what just happened? And how do I keep it from happening again?

Thanks for the help guys,

bdbd - A card reader might be an option. I find it easier to bring the card to the computer, rather than having the MR-8 lashed to the PC. CF readers are about 15 bucks now, and might be faster since that's all they do.
Got one sittin right here, had it for months. It's a Kodak unit that came with drivers and some kind of photo sharing software. I don't want to load the photo sharing software and I'm not sure the thing will work without it. What would be your guess?

I'm actually glad that I have windows 98, transferring files to the pc is really straight forward when using a card reader. I have read a lot of posts where there are problems transferring files. I haven't had any myself, touch wood.
I have found track bouncing to be really useful when dealing with all the wave files that accumulate when doing punch ins. What I do is clear everything from the card except the track that has all the punchins, and then bounce it over to 5/6 or 7/8, and then transfer the single wave file over to the computer. I came to this after spending hours trying to sync up all the wave files for a guitar solo that I did, it was a real pain in the arse. The same can be done when you have a wave file that isn't moving to the pc. Just bounce it, after clearing all the other tracks to make room for the bounce. The copy paste command will not create a new wave file, it just allows you to access the same wave file from another track. By the way, I'm glad you got your wave file back. :)

I just bought the Kodak flash card reader this morning and hooked it up. You don't have to use the photo software. It works like 5 new drives as viewed from your Windows explorer. Hook it up. Its a snap. It should work just fine for your WAVE files.
I've said it once & am glad to say this again. I learn so much from reading these threads. A wealth of tips and practical application of knowledge!

Buck, glad you got it man!

ps to MONINDAE: I've read a ton of your posts and you are a valueable asset to this forum! Positive in nature & a motivating, well informed individual.
I have to agree with you Ralph. This forum has saved my bacon on more than one occasion! Guys like morindae and mrx (and others) are a real asset's a good thing they have fostex machines! Then of course, there's guys like you that give us all something to strive for musically!
Clarinet...are you new here? Thanks for the 411, I put up a thread a few months ago regarding that reader but I don't think anyone responded. I actually just realized that my printer has card readers right in the front.....guess I'll have to explore that option too!
Thanks to all for the help.

Thanks guys, it was really nice of you to say that. I'm happy to be of service. I too have learned a lot from this forum and am just doing my bit to share the knowledge, that's how we all learn. :)
OK, IT HAPPENED AGAIN!!!!!!! This time it was track 1. What is going on? I know you guys said to hook up the card reader and all, but I never had this problem until recently. I reformatted the card after the first time it happened...that obviously didn't solve the problem. I'm wondering if it's something in the upgrade. I'm currently using v1.03...anyone else had this happen?

bdbdbuck, It may not be the MR8, maybe it's the computer. Before you transfer the stuff over to the pc you should restart it so that it's nice and stable. Sometimes when the computer has been on for a while it can get moody and mess around with you when you attempt to do something simple like transfer a few wave files. Once you get through this crisis, I really recommend you have the card reader ready to go as a back up method of file transfer. It never hurts to have options.
Thanks for the tip, I'll try it. I did intend to have the card reader ready to go, but I guess I just got in a hurry. I'm wondering also if there is a problem with the main power supply because my V-Amp has been acting strange lately too.
