Mr X


New member
No ... nothing to do with poll spaming ;) just happens to be the title of my latest offering.

This song is a draft of a tune I put together a few days ago. At first listen the words may seem superficial but I hope the deeper meaning is not lost. Anyway I won't say too much and let you comment on your first impressions.

Yes there is lots of room for other instruments etc. I've deliberately posted it at this early stage so I don't get too committed before getting some constructive critisism from you folks.

End of the list "Mr X mkI"

All comments are listens are appreciated and as always, collaborations are welcome if you feel you can add something.

I admire the structure of this tune. The singing is very clean, up front, and tasteful. The guitar part is good but would be better as a part in a helluva rythymn section that could be built around the vocals, keeping them in the center and spotlighted.
i agree with toki here there is a good foundation here to add other instruments around the vocals. what is there sounds good and the mix sounds good to me.(not that i know anything anyway lol.) but i like what you have so far and am looking forward to hearing the finished product. god bless tim pate
Thanks for listening. I was wondering exactly where to go next with the song actually... I quite like the sparse folky sound I've got so far and don't want to spoil it ... but I'm sure some subtle additions would work well.

It would be really nice to have a folky female vocal to go with this .....

I'm not sure about the rythm stuff I don't want to rock it out too much since I already have a number of song where I've done this .. I'm thinking light percussion with a hippy flavour. Come to think of it harmonica might be an interesting addition ?
dres said:
.. I'm thinking light percussion with a hippy flavour. Come to think of it harmonica might be an interesting addition ?

a'yup... You wouldnt want to spoil the simplicity and naturalness of it with too much, just subtle higlights.
nice song. nice story. i think it could stand for a full instrumentation kind of production, drums, bass, electric guitar, hammond, etc.

you've got a very nice rythmic style with that acoustic that seems to be a signature for your music. and a very good one at that.
Thanks for listening ......OK now this is getting confusing ... two almost opposite suggestions ! Hmmm

Hey erichenryus would you like to have a crack at percussion ? Trouble is I'm getting bored with me cause I always do the same thing. If you push me in a certain (different) direction rythmically it might give me a bit of inspiration ? I can handle bass OK I think.
dres, I can hear this song both ways. It might be fun to experiment with two completely different versions. In the process I'm sure the direction the song should take will reveal itself to you. Peace young grasshopper.

dres said:
Hey erichenryus would you like to have a crack at percussion ?

i would, but my whole recording area is unplugged and disassembled right now. i'm in the middle of a lot of construction at home, plus i started playing with a band again, and i am so behind on current commitments that anything i promise today might not be ready until next year!!! man, i hate growing up.

anyway, i do like your style and your voice. i have your 'love song' on cd and was listening to it this morning in the car. i still like that one a lot. this one is very cool as well.

you are indeed the board optimist with this post though. if i assume that mr X is mr. Bush in real life, i can't see any amount of prayer swaying his thirst for blood. i don't want to turn this thread into a political discussion, or wose yet an autotune discussion! it's just nice to know that there are a few people out there as optimistic as yourself dres.

so if this song is still out there sans rythm when i'm back together i'll definitely take a crack at it. but don't hold your breath, i'm just very busy right now.
I thought this was a good job. Nice acoustic - nice chord progression. Tight harmonies - though I didn't care for the high part that meandered through notes over the lead. I'd prefer that they stayed "together."

A smooth bass part underneath it all might sound nice.
you are indeed the board optimist with this post though. if i assume that mr X is mr. Bush in real life, i can't see any amount of prayer swaying his thirst for blood. i don't want to turn this thread into a political discussion, or wose yet an autotune discussion! it's just nice to know that there are a few people out there as optimistic as yourself dres.[/B]

I guess this is the real core of the song though .... we all assume we know what's going to happen and forget that God overrules. This is why in my criptic last verse I try and make the point that even a man of prayer cannot manipulate God or the outcome ... but that shouldn't stop us from praying.

This story probably never reached the US but there was a group of Iraq immigrants demonstrating *for* the war and the ousting of Saddam here in Australia a few days ago. Curiously only a week or so after an Iraq diplomat, who was accused of spying on Iraq expats, was expelled. Makes you think.

As for drums .. well maybe I'll try the 2 versions trick .. at least I can start with bass that I think both versions will need ;)
I like it. I want to hear it done. I can definitely hear a full production on this one (and no, I can't help much becaus I suck at it :D). I think this is a good song and I think it would sound great and I think you sound great singing it.

Nice work.
dres said:
I guess this is the real core of the song though .... we all assume we know what's going to happen and forget that God overrules. This is why in my criptic last verse I try and make the point that even a man of prayer cannot manipulate God or the outcome ... but that shouldn't stop us from praying.

ok, now i get it. i'm slow that way. politics bore me so let's talk about drums. i'm going to pick up a new acoustic kit this week sometime, cause i have a gig this weekend! lol. i think it will be a long time before i learn how to mic and record that thing properly but i am determined to do it before i die.......and as for the v-kit. to ebay it goes :(. there just ain't room for the two kits in my life, or in my finances.
Jagular: thanks for the nice comments .. I think I will add more to this slowly ... stay tuned.

erichenryus: I'd be interested to see what you get for the V-Kit on ebay... I've seen them advertised before but it appears no-one is willing to bid a reasonable value.
great and brilliant! sounds real nice as is IMHO. I am looking forward to see how you build on it!

Thanks for the listening opportunity

wfaraoni : Thanks for listening ... glad you like it. I added a bass part last night and will attempt some drums in the next 2 days. Stayed tuned for a new thread.