MR-8 and Card Error?


New member
Why after I record for about three minutes, I get a message saying there is a Card Error. The files are still there, but I can no longer record any until I transfer the files. My 128 MB CArd must be really small, maybe I should try to get a larger one...
A normal MR8 has about 24 min of total recording time on a 128 MB card. That's about 3 min per song if all 8 tracks are used.

...and each take is saved unless deleted, so theoretically a single three minute track can fill the card after several takes.
It has been working fine in the past, except for the Card Full but that is easier to fix. More specifically, upon starting up the MR-8, it reads:


Press ENTER Key!

What Am I supposed to do now? I downloaded the mr08_mv1.05, and dragged it into the MR-8 CARD Icon once I Put the card reader into my iBook, and then I put the card into the MR-8, turned it on, and I got the exact same message.

Anybody? Can someone help me on this??
Maybe thats why 50 people are trying to unload their mr-8's on ebay? From what I gather the mr-8 isn't a very solid unit, of coarse everything in it's price range has it's own quirks.

My question is which is the less bug ridden digital recorder under $400? and which company is scrambling to fix, support and update the recorders?
BOSS? ZOOM? Fostex? Tascam? Korg?

The Fostex I bought wouldn't even power up so im still shopping.
Huh? No, I have used this for years without a problem. I think it is the New Card I bought though it had worked for awhile. I had heard of a certain way to fix the problem earlier but I don't remember. The Fostex was probably the best thing I have bought yet.