Moving Up the Ladder (very slowly)

Spinning Slowly

New member
I am about to take the next step in recording and am now in the market for a 4-track recorder. I am looking for an affordable (under $300), analog 4-track that has atleast 4 mike inputs. If any of you could give me some brand and model information it would appreciate it.
Yo Slow Spinner:

BUY AT LEAST AN 8 TRACK MACHINE SO YOU WON'T HAVE TO MESS WITH BOUNCING TRACKS. When you have control of a single sound on one track you can tweak it a bit.

Typically here's what I do on my 8 track Yam MD-8: Drums: two tracks; Keys, one track,
Additional drum chops: one track

Vocals: go to two tracks

Solo horn/vibes/etc., one track.

Four tracks forces you to bounce and when you put two sounds on one track, you can no longer tweak each sound: you can tweak the track but two different sounds DO NOT LIKE IDENTICAL TWEAKING.

sO, mAN, get 8 or more tracks, like 16 would be plenty for what I do. 8 Tracks is plenty for what most will do.

Keep recording,
Green Hornet

[This message has been edited by The Green Hornet (edited 05-23-2000).]
uh.. I didn't think buying a analog 4 track was moving up the ladder. I thought its what most people start with. What did you start with?