Moving to multi-channel recording


New member
Ok, I'm tired of recording one track at a time. It's been fun for like 4 years now, but I'm looking to expand my universe. Let me tell you what I want, and you tell me my best option. Keep in mind, I'm looking for the most bang for the buck.

I want at least 8 inputs, mostly instrument mic's (xlr), with the ability to monitor my recording through my studio monitors. This is pretty much it.

My options appear to be the following:
1. Sound card like M-Audio 1010 - (Question? Do these cards have XLR inputs? Do they require pre-amps?)
2. Firewire mixing board
3. Firewire interface like Presonus fp10, or muto brand (as I understand, the fp10 doesn't monitor the return from the PC, but instead just sends the signal directly out to the studio monitors therefore bypassing any effects I may be running? Is this true? Is it true of all types like this one?)

Anyway, what's the cheapest way to go with the best quality... the bang for the buck factor? And no, I'm not willing to spend 200 dollars more on something that only sounds better to those who can hear a pin drop from a mile away.