Moving pedal placements (MIDI)


New member

I'm sorry in advance about my English.
I'm using Cubase 5, and recording piano through MIDI. After recording, I edit the piece (cut/paste/moving from one place to another), but I don't know how to move the places where I pressed the pedal. I move the notes, but the pedal notations stay at the same place. I can't see those marks on the key editor for example. Is there a way to move the places/timing of the pedal along with the notes themself, as if it was attached to it?

Thanks in advance,
Easy one! In the key editor look at the bottom left, just below the vertical keyboard. In the drop down window you are looking for sustain cc 64 - this will show in the bottom panel where the pedal was down - down lights up as a red bar in mine - there are handles, so you can drag the down and the up to new places. Remember the pedal is cc64 sustain, and not cc4, pedal.