MOVIES in 3D are coming big-time! List and article LINK for you……


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:D Hi to all you film buffs out there,
A short while ago, the film 'Beowulf' was released in super-duper 3D (although I didn't actually see it!) and it got me thinking that if the 3D effect was as good as they say, then how long would it be until all films are made in 3D. Well apparently, big changes are coming in movies and it's all really kicking off this year.
In the January 9th edition of the UK's Independent newspaper, Rebecca Armstrong reports on upcoming 3D films, which include:

U2 3D – an IMAX (large format) film about the rock group U2.

Journey to the Center of the Earth – an adaptation of the book by Jules Verne.

Final Destination 4 – a continuation of the horror series.

Coraline – an animated based on Neil Gaiman's novella.

Monsters VS Aliens – a Dreamworks 1950s-style sci-fi adventure.

Avatar – a sci-fi blockbuster from "Titanic" director James Cameron.

Also, and maybe best of all, from Steven Spielberg and Peter Jackson (who directed the Lord of the Rings films), comes a trilogy of Tintin.

Follow this link for the whole article:

I personally can't wait for it all to really get going properly, but I'm particularly looking forward to Tintin.
dreamer7 :)
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I worked DLP division and it was doing 3-d with the backing or push of some film crew...but anyway, it was frkn great!

it was the biggest shift of movie techno watching I'd ever seen..ok maybe going from B&W to color...but the 3-D with the special glasses was really amazing treat. It was bigger than surround sound....

I'm glad to see its growing, its probably expensive as hell to make? The glasses were not cheap either back then.

very cool.
I have a bit of a collection myself...but there was so much money spent on the 3D that they couldnt afford decent scriptwriters and the movies pretty much suck ass...Im hoping for the porn industry to get this technology.
i only saw like ad clips...tester stuff, not really an entire movie. it was like the best of the best tricks they could do, fish swimming, missles flying etc...

I doubt I'd want to watch Andy Griffith or Seinfield in 3-d.

probably only action scifi would be great for this 3-D.

ok I give in...3-D sucks as an idea.....its another scam sham fart-widget thing, no one really wants or needs.

Why doesn't the movie theatre work on the popcorn and pop prices instead??

...fhkng $6.50 for a frkn bag of bland $4.50 for a frkn coke with ice in it?

hey they could rent 3-D glasses for $12 for the movie, or you can go watch the 3-D without the glasses.

I guess #-D is like Britney Spears..... all aimed at the kids...the old farts are all BAH HUMBUG about life in general.

porn. britney hasn't done porn yet with her baby.
U2 3D – an IMAX (large format) film about the rock group U2.

Why in the name of Greek buggery would anyone want to go and see U2 in 3D-IMAX? That alone just goes to show how overinflated those dickwipes' egos are. I mean, Bono pisses me off enough in 2D on the small screen. Why the hell would I want to see his already oversized head blown up to 25ft in 3D?
Years ago I saw Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds in 3d at Universal Studios. It was amazing, and I've been wanting to see something else in 3D ever since. It might be something you can chalk up for use in movies with small plots and giant special effects budgets, but if you can get into that type of movie then the 3d effects would make it a must see. If you have never seen I'd encourage you to go atleast once! But I don;t think I would make my first trip to see U2 in 3D UGHHH!!!
I saw that Captain EO thing with Michael Jackson in 3D at the Epcot Center when I was kid. Of course that was before the days where I would have been worried about him reaching out of the screen and trying to touch me.