MOTU 828 vs 828 MkII for Laptop VST System Link


New member
For my PC laptop, if I were only going to use an Adat lightpipe to my main Mac system (running Cubase SX3) for a VST System Link (running VSTi's and odd plugins, etc on the laptop), would there be any difference between the original 828 and the 828MkII? I wouldn't be using the analog ins and outs at all, except possibly to hold my Monster Cable keychain (nice little 1/4" plug with their logo, ya know). Thanks for any insight!
Well, it might be a big never-mind... If VST System Link has to use Word clock, the original 828 doesn't have it. Thoughts, comments, etc???
what exactly do you mean with " a difference between the 828 and the MKII" ?
you mean sound quality?

or that the sound cards might not work well together?
if i'm correct the MKII has an extra firewire output so you can link other motu cards to this they might work well together..
oh but no, then u got two soundcards on one pc,
...thats not what u're doing...

so,,,is it a sound quality issue?
Yeah, really just a quality issue or functionality issue. But since the original 828 doesn't have wordclock, I don't think it's in the running, as I think System Link requires that...
I looked for info on the differences between the mkI and mkII a while back, but couldn't find anything. I was interested because of the vast price differences, and went through several phases of plans for gear stuff, but now I have myself a nice 828 mkII. Just need some pre's and a rack and I'm set sorta.... except I still need a snake and a headphone amp to fully realize my dream of summer recording, and that's all the pre-monitor-new guitar amp-better pres-converters-midi controller-new guitar days.

This hobby destroys all my hard earned cash and I love every minute of it!
Hey, speaking of the 828, is there a way to get the screen to look like in that picture?

I've played with it a bit, but I dont see anything like that, nor did I find anything like it in the manual..... just the various setup and cuemix parameter editing type screens.

Or maybe act as a meter for each channel, which is kind of what that picture looks like (so maybe it is). I know it's got the entire led meter section dedicated to that, but I think it'd look rad if the screen could do it too. Just a thing I'd enjoy looking at while using it.

Anybody know anything about that?
i might have very bad eyes,
but to me it looks like there's MK3 written on that soundcard !

heh, must be blind :cool:
Hmm, hard to tell... it's too blurry.

I tried to zoom in and it was just a blurry mess, and now when I look at it at 100%, I see "Midi"!

Anyway, it does look exactly like mine, except that the screen is blue, whereas mine is green....

If anybody knows how to get it like that, or something else really cool, I'd be glad to hear it.
I'm not to keen on system link, but if the requirement for wordclock is just for sync .... couldn't you sync the two via S/PDIF?
Set one unit's clock to internal and the other to S/PDIF (TosLink).
Hell for that matter, I don't even know if the original 828 offers S/PDIF. :confused:

I know the original 828 doesn't support CueMix.

I also know that you will never find that blue display on the 828mkII depicted on the MOTU website.
That picture is of a beta unit, prior to the release of the final version.
Tweak'll tell ya about it.

It is a very cool interface. :cool:
I dig mine.