MOTU 2408


New member
If you already have a nice digital mixer, are the 8 analog inputs on the MOTU 2408 needed. It doesn't seem useful to have 8 analog inputs on a unit that can record 24 simultaneously, cause say you got the MOTU then bought a 16 channel mixer. Are you really going to want to record 16 on the mixer and 8 through the software. I'd rather record all on one mixing system. Keep in mind this is if you were ever going to record that exorbitant amount of tracks. I could be wrong I'm not exactly sure what all of the uses of those inputs are, I just don't want to have to pay for them if that is all they're for. Could someone clear me up on this. :)
the 2408 works well with the 1224 you need the core system with pci card to get em going
what's cool about them in conjunction are that you can use a total of 16 simultaneous analog to digital converters and come out with up to 72 or something with various digital outs you would need a digital board though but in just two motu units, and one yamaha O1V you could have a rocking setup where you could record 16 simultaneous then 16 more then hell 16 more then come out with 48 digital outs into the board other wise, if you have an analog console, you'll have to d/a convert and you can only get 8 in a unit except the new one which is 12 in 12 out good luck