Motorcycle death race


New member
I just found this little gem about an hour ago.. strangely enough, i recorded it 1 year ago *exactly*... to the day. weird.

anyways, it's a re-recording of the theme to the genesis motorcycle racing game "Hang On". I've always had a soft spot for that game. can't say that it's the world's greatest recording but hell, it's a fun/cheesy song.

Hang On - Genesis
awesome. I liked it all except for that main synth line (j/k).

there's some tough competition for recreating old video game soundtracks, but this is the most realistic, in terms of instrument sounds I've heard. Cool synth and bass lines. I like the cymbals fading into those sweeping FX.

I gotta say, though, on your newer songs, is some of the best results of sound quality I've ever heard on these forums. I thought you guys were already signed or something.
oh, the gco stuff on if you're interested, we recorded the drums with a bunch of SM57s into a tascam 4track. everything else was mic'ed with sm57s (including the vox) into a vintage tapco mixer then into cubase. never underestimate the results you can get if you take 2 years to record an album at home...hahaha....

we may have borrowed a kickdrum mic and some fancy overheads.. i kinda forget. it was a while ago. thanks for the compliments though!
Dude, very good recording. I haven't seen that game in a while, but now I remember the music. Good job on it.