motherboard test


New member
Can you test a mobo w/out a processor to see if its functional??
If its not will any of the components of the mobo(fans,leds,ect)
How would you know its functional without a CPU ?
You might get fans and leds to work but what does that tell ya ?
There are probably some hardware testers, used by motherboard manufacturers, that do that. But there is not anything I'm aware of that an end user can use to do what you want.
The closest thing I know to do (what I just did building my new system - my first) is what someone recommended to me. Do an out of the case test so you don't have to mount the mobo and then unmount it if it doesn't work. Put the mobo on an antistatic surface (I used the antistatic bag it came in on my desk). Throw the cpu and heatsink on the mobo (not that hard), a stick of memory & video card (if you put the mobo on the mobo box you can hang the vid card over the edge) & hook up monitor. Hook up the psu & front panel case connectors to the mobo & turn it on. It should spin up the cpu fan & boot to the bios screen.

If you don't have a cpu handy I think you're SOL.

Hope this helps
See the problem with just running a POST examination on the board is that it's quite reasonable for a board with tons of problems to at the very least POST.

Slackmaster 2000