Most important mastering tip for beginners

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Wow... this thread is scary... I have "been around here" for a very short time, and stumble through the processes of getting music to sound acceptable to the band (and myself). I have "EUREKA moments" and make improvements in my abilities that are large at times -- sometimes even by "throwing money at it" (e.g. better SW or HW).

I am in IT -- and have been around HW and SW for years -- so I am pretty confident that ANYTING can be learned to the level where the end results are good. This stuff is really an art, and NOT a science -- therefore just knowing the science of it will only get you a short way. So when I see someone who starts a thread in the Mastering Forum, with the signature that states "Engineer", and gives out advice that is completely binary in nature ("X" is either 100% right or wrong), it scares me a bit to think about the effect it has on folks who read it and "accept" it to be true, due to the "Engineer" signature.

In other words... THANK YOU ALL who jumped in to put the original post in its rightful place.

A newb, at least for now still....
The most important mastering tip for beginners is to NOT LISTEN TO ANYTHING ROD NORMAN SAYS EVER.
Maybe so, but his insights on drumming have had a major impact on how I play. His advise to Seafroggy was spot on. My new drumming mantra is LLr LLr. Or was it llR llR. I'll have to analyze where my next hand goes in a Chicago Shuffle.
Now guys I will say that Rod has a strange set of ideals that he draws from, but he does have some good points at times.

It does seem that he comes from a different place in time and a set of strategies that may come across as alien or idiotic to most of us. But he believes in them. Not sure why myself, but whatever...

I have been the first many times to call him out. Let's just let this one go away for now. Not productive.

This thread is now closed. Not because I am defending him, but it just ran it's course.

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