Morgan Rose is the Man!


The Shizz
I saw Sevendust recently, they were doing an Acoustic show. I just want to say I was amazed with this guy. Very creative beats, just right on the money. I would put him against any rock drummer today. Any other opinions about this guy?
I saw them several years ago, and I'd say he's a pretty creative drummer with solid timing. Though I wouldn't even think about putting him in the same league as guys like Danny Carey or Tim Alexander.
great drummer!

he really has a great "groove" and "feel" to his playing. Besides that he really has an awesome drumsound too nowadays. Especcially on "Animosity"!
Yeah, he is amazing, and the lead singer from my band used to hang out in a basement with those guys. He said there was lots of music, women, drugs, and alcohol involved(and not exactly in that order).
I will ask him for some particulars. He hung out with seven dust, I went to school with the guys from Collective Soul, I just wish some of that star tallent would rub off on us!!! lol.
Morgan Rose has the cover, a HUGE interview, and tons of ads plastered all over the place in this month's issue of Modern Drummer. It's really a great article too.
As much as I hate to admit it (I'm not really a Sevendust fan), the guy does have talent. I might have to dig up my Sevendust CD and start paying more attention to what he is doing (while hopefully ignoring the rest).

It's hard to compare Mike Portnoy to anybody when it comes to Prog/Rock drumming IMHO (and those of the people who gave him 19 Modern Drummer Reader's Poll Awards including 9 consecutive Prog Drummer of the Year awards). He's like the stop-all to conversations about drumming talent:

"So-and-so is a great drummer....."

"Mike Portnoy"


I also think Portnoy is amazing, his fills, the way he switches meter. Those are things that most others can't even understand. But when it comes to laying down a groove, I think that Morgan Rose can't be topped. He is so solid that the songs build off of him, like a solid foundation. Instead of just playing on top everything to show off his chops.
I'd be the last one to bash Portnoy, as I love all of his drumming, and I've watched Liquid Drum Theater more times than I'd care to admit. But it's still important to put his abilities in perspective: what he's absolutely brilliant at is contructing parts that mate perfectly odd time signatures and quirky ideas of the groups he plays in. He isn't, however, a drummer that shuts down every drummer in every way (and no drummer ever could be). In terms of seamlessly integrating odd time signatures, I'd pick Danney Carey (Tool). In terms of raw speed, there's a whole list of death metal drummers that are going to be faster. In terms of tasteful speed, think of drummers like Buddy Rich. So a comparison between Portnoy and Morgan Rose just doesn't make much sense. Rose is mostly smashing out power grooves that drive the music, while Portnoy is mostly playing tricky hi-hat/splash accents in odd time signatures. It's like talking about a hip-hop group that you like and someone says "yea, but what about The Beatles?"