More Volume


New member
Is there anything I can use to bring my master volume up without it clipping. I have heard that you want NO clipping EVER. If I do this my total output volume is not that high. Is clipping really that bad if you can't actually hear it?

utsman said:
Is there anything I can use to bring my master volume up without it clipping. I have heard that you want NO clipping EVER. If I do this my total output volume is not that high. Is clipping really that bad if you can't actually hear it?


A limiter will bring up the overall volume without clipping. However, there will be distortion as the signal gets smashed against the limiter. Sometimes that's o.k., other times it's ugly. If you do it right (at tracking, mixing and mastering stages), it shouldn't be noticeable to the average listener. Try out the Classic Master Limiter from Kjaerhus for a free sample. Obviously, there are higher quality limiters out there that will sound better, but this one will give you an idea of what a limiter does.