(more) Stoner and Doom tracks


New member
Check out these tracks and tell me what you think about the mix, whether it's good, bad or otherwise:


The goal is to sound heavy and to have every piece of the band audible in all the parts...and these mixes mostly succeed but I think they could be better. What say you, homerecording.com?
Live in a basement with things blaring at about drumset volume levels. An assortment of dynamic mics. Guitars and bass close mic'd, drums with one on the kick and one on either side aimed in at the toms and snare, vocal mics with the gain turned down as much as possible to reduce the bleed from the instruments.

What is it about the sound that makes you say that? Do you hear some phaseyness?

Is diffusion or acoustic treatment likely to help?
Actually sounds like a bootleg recording done with a cassette recorder at a distance of 100 yards. The tunes are good but the recording sounds like the mics were miles away.
You've demonstrated the songs and playing are good enough to deserve proper recording.
Get down to basics and record it again to do justice to the whole shebang.
The singer might need to take more care with pitch though.
Pretty good for a live basement job.
Plague of Man - Bring down the vocals... they came across a bit loud.
Seems like the kick needs to come up on all of your tracks, and the snare could be EQ'd in one of two ways... either bring it down around 2k-4k, or bring it up around 500-900hz... typically less is more so take that as you will. Also your crash cymbals are overbearing and at times drown out the toms and kick. Yeah, I'd really like to hear this stuff properly recorded in a real studio track by track. Solid tunes overall. Nice time changes on lots of them.