More Solar Temple - Post Rock?


New member
I recorded/mixed/mastered my bands three song EP over the summer and wanna hear some feedback from you guys

This song has a different vibe than the title track I posted last week. Its written as a "ghost in the other room" instrumental. I tried keeping the mix simple and intimate and focused on the guitars.
Cool. I like the way it's all mellow and gloomy to start, but gradually builds towards a fairly heavy ending. Really like the bit towards the end where the harmony guitars alternated with the crunchier bits. Nice.

Mix-wise, I think it sounds pretty good for what I think you're going for.

I know I had a lot to say about the drum sound on the last track, and these are likely the same drums in same room captured the same way, but for some reason on this track, I think they fit better. I like the roominess of them and the way that relates to the distorted rhythm guitars.

Something about the single lead guitar sounded out of place just a bit though. Like, too dry or something. Plus, the tone was kind of dark and thick (which is fine), but this made it blend in a little too much with the other dark sorts of sounds going on. Not sure. Leads fit in better when you got to the harmony parts for me.

Cool track though. I enjoyed it.
Cool. I like the way it's all mellow and gloomy to start, but gradually builds towards a fairly heavy ending. Really like the bit towards the end where the harmony guitars alternated with the crunchier bits. Nice.

Mix-wise, I think it sounds pretty good for what I think you're going for.

I know I had a lot to say about the drum sound on the last track, and these are likely the same drums in same room captured the same way, but for some reason on this track, I think they fit better. I like the roominess of them and the way that relates to the distorted rhythm guitars.

Something about the single lead guitar sounded out of place just a bit though. Like, too dry or something. Plus, the tone was kind of dark and thick (which is fine), but this made it blend in a little too much with the other dark sorts of sounds going on. Not sure. Leads fit in better when you got to the harmony parts for me.

Cool track though. I enjoyed it.

Thank you!
Yeah the roominess of how we tracked drums didn't translate as well on the other song as it did with this one
When I think of post-rock I think of Mogwai, and they have a very ambient yet crisp sound. This lacks the crispness. That's not to say you have to duplicate all post rock bands and can't do your own thing, just that right off the bat when you say "post rock" I have an expectation how it should sound.

Trying to put that all aside, the mix has a "garage rock" feel and there's some comb filtering/underwater type sound. Did you high pass filter the tracks? I hear rumble in the low end that, if eliminated, could tighten it up. Cool vibe to the track. I just wish the production was a little better.
When I think of post-rock I think of Mogwai, and they have a very ambient yet crisp sound. This lacks the crispness. That's not to say you have to duplicate all post rock bands and can't do your own thing, just that right off the bat when you say "post rock" I have an expectation how it should sound.

Trying to put that all aside, the mix has a "garage rock" feel and there's some comb filtering/underwater type sound. Did you high pass filter the tracks? I hear rumble in the low end that, if eliminated, could tighten it up. Cool vibe to the track. I just wish the production was a little better.

Thanks for the feedback!

I never know how to put a genre to our own music, but post rock came to mind cause it reminded me a bit of Slint, so I took that as my inspiration when mixing.
I was going for a dark sounding mix to a dark sounding song.
Yeah there's a buzzing noise all the way through which is quite pronounced in the quiet parts. I'm not against buzzing noises as such but they need to be unobtrusive. It all starts off grim and grimy and then morphs into a different thing. It's pretty interesting. I think the lead guitar is too prominent down the middle in the initial part, then it blends better as it goes. It's good for a live recording, you just need to improve the fidelity. If you can lock in a great live drum and bass recording, you can add the guitars anytime
I agree on the buzzing/hum being a bit distracting.

I'd watch the level of the lead/melody guitar. It should be a bit more controlled. Some compression would certainly help. It gets a little harsh sounding in spots.

The bass is a little indistinct. Not enough definition between notes. It's quite rumbly.

Drums sound a bit roomy. Snare sound is a little boxy. Its level is inconsistent. It's quiet early in the song, then gets louder later. Might be what you want. I don't know.