More RAM??


New member
I have a Celeron 533 with 128M RAM with Yamaha 192XG Waveforce soundcard running Sonar XL 2.0. I am getting dropouts and stoppages during recording and playback of audio. Would increasing my RAM help me any?
First try to increase the latency: Options -> Audio -> "The Latency Slider"

And 128 MB is very little... Go for 256 MB or even better 512. But I would upgrade the whole computer. Minimum CPU is 500 MHz...
Dropouts can be caused by almost any component in an older system like that. It could be video related or your hard drive not fast enough or your sound card even the mother board, as well as low or poorly made memory.

Sonar needs a well rounded system to run properly, it doesn't need the best (mines only a PIII 800 w/ 256 megs and a sound blaster live) but mixing a highly outdated hard drive or video card etc in with a new system can cause problems. buying the cheapest memory can cause its own problems.

I'd think about the age (and quality) of all parts in the system and upgrade accordingly.

there's several system tweaks that might help, but I don't have time to post them right now. you can search this board for "tweaks"
And remember, Celeron is not even close to Pentium on the same speed (MHz). It's waaayyyy better to have at least original Pentium III. Didn't mean to rush you ditch the proc out, just true hints. Get P III or even P4 if you can afford. And yes, memory is something you can never get enough :)

Old slow HD may also causes SONAR to drop out, specially when you run so many audio tracks simultaneously. Get 7200 rpm for better performance. I've been using regular 5400 rpm before, and it's really good since I re-place to 7200 rpm.
