MORE old recordings


New member
I have a few songs that were written a couple of years back and recorded on a TASCAM TSR-8.
I now have a digital recording set up and would like to redo some of our older songs.
We would like to know if:

1. If the song is worth redoing
2. Is so – anything that you think should be changed (performance -songwriting, structure, lyrics, etc.)

This is one is called: Tell me

Thanks for your time and opinions
Chill out with the bass line, especially in the verses and try get a better sound with the acoustic guitar.

Those are just a few things i would do.

As far as recording the song over goes .... If you have new equipment and want to make it better then do it!
Old school..

Yeah, I know what you mean about the bass line. Like I said this stuff was recorded a few years back. We had just come out of doing 2 years as a funk band so our bass player was dealing with a little transition phase there.
We ran through a couple of these songs live recently and the bass line is quite a bit more subdued.

I just want to make sure the song itself and the writing style isn't dated and can still hold up to a rerecording.

It's hard to step outside your own material sometimes and say "this sucks" or "wow 1985 all over again" you know? Although aren't the 80s back in vogue..hahahahaha...

Thanks for your time and opion...

ANYBODY else???