More masking - time to fire up the (D) cheat machine


Well-known member
Gee whaddya know, right on cue as has been predicted - more calls for masking as the next election draws nearer. They don't work but hey - sloppy mail-in balloting practices worked so well last time and Dems have an election to steal so....

Fake news.

That must explain why when Florida lifted all mandates their numbers remained lower than a lot of states.

Hey here's some interesting studies. For example from the first one:

Conclusions Mask mandates and use are not associated with slower state-level COVID-19 spread during COVID-19 growth surges. Containment requires future research and implementation of existing efficacious strategies.

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Great article:

Personally, I’m happy to wear one knowing they are effective. Even if I doubted their effectiveness, I’d wear one just in case it was effective. My panties don’t get wadded up at the idea of making an effort for my fellow human beings. If I patronize a business and they ask me to wear a mask, I’m happy to. If someone doesn’t want to patronize my business because I asked them to wear a mask, then that’s ok too.

Should government mandate them? Probably not, but they could issue a strong recommendation to use them.
Great article:

Personally, I’m happy to wear one knowing they are effective. Even if I doubted their effectiveness, I’d wear one just in case it was effective. My panties don’t get wadded up at the idea of making an effort for my fellow human beings. If I patronize a business and they ask me to wear a mask, I’m happy to. If someone doesn’t want to patronize my business because I asked them to wear a mask, then that’s ok too.

Should government mandate them? Probably not, but they could issue a strong recommendation to use them.
Anthony Fauci thinks you're silly for wearing it.

Personally, I’m happy to wear one knowing they are effective. Even if I doubted their effectiveness, I’d wear one just in case it was effective. My panties don’t get wadded up at the idea of making an effort for my fellow human beings. If I patronize a business and they ask me to wear a mask, I’m happy to. If someone doesn’t want to patronize my business because I asked them to wear a mask, then that’s ok too.

Should government mandate them? Probably not, but they could issue a strong recommendation to use them.
This! ^^^^^^👏👏👏
Or at the start when he admitted he downplayed masks to avoid having them get hoarded and having hospitals run out of them?
On top of that, there are those that... ahem... do not understand how science works.

As a collective we learned that this "NEW" and never seen before plague attaches itself to droplets in you.
If you are infected, and if you sneeze or cough you are expelling a massive amount of these virus infected droplets into your surrounding atmosphere.
Those around you cannot help but breath it in... DUH!
If you are wearing a mask, you can reduce the amount of droplets expelled.
If you are NOT infected a mask can reduce the number/amount of droplets received.

Obviously, this is not directed at @leddy