

New member
So I got some of these for Christmas because my desk at school has out of control bass vibration. Tried them out today, and I can't tell any difference. These things flat out don't work. Does anybody else have experience with them? I can't imagine that I'm doing anything wrong, the speaker is on a set of pads and they suck pretty badly.
I got them, the decoupled my KRKs from the desk. I noticed a difference in the mid lows.
If you can't hear a difference, then you either have wooden ears, or you have one stiff desk that doesn't vibrate. In my case, the bass certainly came more into focus.

> Tried them out today, and I can't tell any difference. <

Many speakers do not benefit from isolation. So they do help if you need them, but a lot of people don't need them.

> the speaker is on a set of pads and they suck pretty badly. <

What all rooms need even more is bass trapping. Monitor isolation helps one specific small problem. But all rooms need bass traps.
