

New member
My spanking new Mac Mini arrived this afternoon, and I couldn't wait to see what it could offer.
I was going to by Logic Pro, but I loaded up GarageBand to see what it was like, and i'm not going to bother anymore. GarageBand is a hell of a lot better than anything I've tried on windows!
Anyway, here's an Mp3 for you to listen to:
it starts out alright. i like the bass.
but the drums are way off beat. i'm guessing you used a drum loop...check your BPMs to make sure they are the same with your song. vocals are a little verby for my taste, and the delay on the verb is a little might also think of a pop filter of some sort for the mic. is the guitar just a looped sample too? careful when you sing "I was walking" and that you don't put too much emphasis on the "walKing"