Monitors for Pop/Rock


New member
Hey guys sorry if this has been answered before I'm looking to get some monitors for mixing Pop/Rock/Guitar Instrumental type works. I'm looking at the BX8a's (both deluxe and regular) however I've heard lots of great things about the RP8's but never gotten a chance to try them out.

Recommendations are more than welcome.

Monitors are either reasonably accurate and consistent, or they're not.

A room is either reasonably accurate and consistent, or it's not.

There's not really a "good monitor for (specific genre)" -- There's monitoring chains and rooms that allow for good translation, and chains and rooms that don't.
gotcha true, I guess I was thinking since most of the work ill be doing isn't bass heavy like Hip Hop and such I wouldn't need monitors with a of low end.

thanks again for your time
The hip-hoppers "like" the extra low end, but they're also the ones complaining about their mixes because the low end is so severely skewed compared to reality. It's the same thing - It's either reasonably accurate,** or it's not.

Accuracy in the low end is paramount - Both in the speakers and in the room. "Hype" in the low end (or a poorly treated room) is an express route to failure.

"Reasonably" as in no system is truly "perfect" -- But when you throw a sub that's 10dB too hot in a room with a bunch of peaks and null points in it, you have to expect something less than reasonable...