Monitoring Help Please


New member
I was experimenting a bit with buses, no idea what I'm doing, just hoping to learn something new. Now, I can't monitor my guitar unless I'm actually recording. I would still like to be able to play along and practice with previously recorded tracks without actually recording. I think I messed with something I shouldn't have. Using PT Express and mbox.

What mbox are you using, there's a five different ones? :P If that's the new Avid one check the Mbox driver control panel - you can control monitoring from there. This should work UNLESS you are monitoring thru Pro tools. However if the problem lies in PT (copy-paste from Gearslutz):
that feature doesn't exist on a per track basis in le, there is a global 'input only monitoring' option under the track menu, which applies to all tracks that are record armed

hope this helps