Monitoring from tape Tascam 688


New member
Hey guys,

Wondering if any of you know how to monitor all 8 tracks separately from tape as you're recording on a Tascam 688 so I can record them live to my DAW? I read the manual but can't seem to make sense of it. I can monitor through the group outs as it's recording but it's not coming from the tape. I'm not using any dual channels either. I assume I need to use the tape outs but hear nothing from them while recording.

The only monitor switch that's down is Cue-Mix and neither mix or insert monitor mode buttons seem to change anything.

It's a 2 head machine, not 3. So you cant monitor off tape in record. There's no facility for it.
You'll have to record, rewind and then playback.

My pleasure. You would probably have to go to a reel to reel 8 track machine to get direct off tape monitoring. Maybe a Tascam in 1/2" or a Fostex in 1/4". Others will probably chip in with more advice if you want to go that route.

My pleasure. You would probably have to go to a reel to reel 8 track machine to get direct off tape monitoring. Maybe a Tascam in 1/2" or a Fostex in 1/4". Others will probably chip in with more advice if you want to go that route.

Yeah, if you do, avoid the Fostex because I think they're all 2-head decks. For TASCAM 8-tracks, everything except the TSR-8 is a 3-head machine. The 388 might also be 2-head as well, I do not know.
Yeah, if you do, avoid the Fostex because I think they're all 2-head decks. For TASCAM 8-tracks, everything except the TSR-8 is a 3-head machine. The 388 might also be 2-head as well, I do not know.

Thanks JP for the correction. I should have remembered the little Fostex 8 tracks were only 2 head.

Cool as. Sorry about the slow replies, I didn't realise ppl had replied. I just bought a TEAC A3440 off eBay for $500 in this auction. It's only a 1/4" 4-track but in a way that's better because in theory I'll get twice the tape width per track.

New question, wondering if it's cool to use the RMG International SM911 reel I was using on my Fostex for this? I know it's good to use new tape but this stuff is pretty new.

Yikes... That's some seriously tech info. Looks like I might have to do some reading up, or just buy a reel that will work straight up.
Yikes... That's some seriously tech info. Looks like I might have to do some reading up, or just buy a reel that will work straight up.

Well, first, do you know what kind of tape the previous owner had it set up for? Can you find out?
Um I sent him a msg to find out. Would it damage the machine if I tried to RMG tape now?

No, it won't damage the machine. It may give you worse performance in terms of noise and the wrong bias can give you strange EQ effects like a boost on the high-end. You will also find that if it's set for different tape type, the signal plays back at a different level than it was recorded at.
Cool. It seems he was using the same tape. I just tried it and it worked perfectly! TAPE MACHINE SUCCESS STORY!

Thanks for the help.