monitor port design -Harvey?


Thats what I was looking for !!! Harvey, you have been most gracious with this information.

solo2racr, you've have a great help also.

NOw to save up a few more $$$ for the ultimate set.

hey harvey... what's the deal with transmission lines???
Think of a transmission line speaker as either a bass reflex speaker (with a very long port), or as a stuffed organ pipe. Above its resonance, it acts like a sealed enclosure (which absorbs all back resonances), and at resonance, it puts out a huge signal. With a good driver, they can sound extremely smooth, but they get rather large quickly when you need the resonance to be low.

Typically, transmission line designs are based on 1/4 wavelength of the lowest desired frequency. Oddly enough, even though this design has been around for many years, it wasn't until 1965 when they actually figured out everything it was doing. Basically, the idea is to damp as much of the resonances off the back of the speaker as possible, smoothing out the response, then use the 1/4 wavelength design to damp the main resonance, producing a smooth frequency response and a smoother impedance curve.
Bass ports

Since I am adding acoustic panels to my room for tracking vocals and mixing, should I place any behind my MX5a speakers? They have the ports in the back. I have them about 18" out from the wall placed in the normal "triangle" from my listening chair. If I put a single panel of 703 behind them will it help or hurt?

The port tuning is so low, the sound coming out of the port is pretty much non-directional. You should be fine with 18" of clearance. I'm still old school, so I like the port on the front, as long as the highs and mids don't hafta travel through the airstream created by the port.

I forgot about this thread. actually I don't post much due to the new monitors I got late last year -Dynaudio BM6A's !!;)

Oh- I also got a Lavry DA-10, so I am set set on the backside.

I guess the rear port didn't need any paranoia on my part, LOL

Thanks again Harvey !!
