Monitor Mix Translation To Car


New member
Im really interested in hearing some experiences about mixes with certain monitors under 700 bucks and them not translating to a car stereo accurately (bass to boomey, not enough bass, compression is to noticeable, or reverbs sound totally different or saturated ect.)

what monitors translate the best in your opinion?

i know sometimes its not the monitor but i want to know about when it is the monitor :)

How you corrected the problem. ie. buying new monitors what kind of monitors did you have?

what kind do you use now?

or maybe you have no problem at all, then what do you use?
The problem is most likely your mixing environment, rather than the monitors themselves.

The accoustical properties / characteristics of your space play an extremely large role.

Think of it like this: If you were hypothetically able to hook your mixing monitors up to your car stereo, you would experience the same phonomenon -- your stuff would sound totally different in your car ... because you're in your car. :D And your car transmits sound in a totally different manner than wherever it is you are when you're initially mixing the stuff.

If you were hypothetically capable of ripping your car stereo out and placing it in your mixing area, the same thing would happen once you installed it back in to your car and played your stuff back ... if that makes any sense.

My Yamaha HS80Ms have translated very well to my car stereo so far. They technically are supposed to be exactly 700 bucks a pair now. I got mine from guitar center for 600 tax included with a set of Mo Pads and a pair of 3 foot mogami gold XLR-1/4" cables, that cost about 40 bucks each regularly.
My 13 inch sylvania mono television translates the best. The best part about it is I won it in a raffle at work.

I am being totally serious here, I use crappy Alesis Mk2's for the stereo imaging,bass and depth, but also monitor through the television for tonal balance from about 140hz-13khz. You might want to try it and see if your mixes translate better.
Think of it like this: If you were hypothetically able to hook your mixing monitors up to your car stereo, you would experience the same phonomenon -- your stuff would sound totally different in your car ... because you're in your car. :D

yea you are right, but you have to admit some monitors exadurate highs and lows in different configurations to make themselves sound pretty instead of letting it sound real, i know i need to most likely pull my monitors away from the wall and acoustically treat the space im mixing in but that isnt really possible where i am at the moment, at the same time i know my monitors aren't telling me everything i want to know because they are bose house speakers and to boomey in the bottom and harsh in the highs. so at least as i take a step in the right direction with new monitors i want to get something that will be noticeably better last me a long time and wont make me go back and fourth to the car as much. for 500 bucks

so have you had any experience with the yamaha HS80M or the
(Mackie HR624 i can get for 500 for the pair)
824's, or the krk v6's?
what monitors translate the best in your opinion?

I'm sure everyone here will agree that Yamaha NS10M Studios are exactly what you're looking for. And I just happen to have an extra matched pair for sale. PM me.

The rest of you can STFU for awhile. :mad: :mad:
Cars are notoriously bad listening environments, don't put to much stock or use that as your ultimate evaluation.
im pushing it at 500 clams, if i spend a dollar more then the electric might not be on so i can listen to my super sweet new ns10's haha plus i have no amp.

i run a rehearsal facility my electric bill last month was $700 hahhaahaaaw :(
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i know i need to most likely pull my monitors away from the wall and acoustically treat the space im mixing in but that isnt really possible where i am at the moment ...

If this truly is the case, then I would highly recommend spending your five hundred bucks on something more worthwhile, because just about any set of monitors will be rendered mostly useless in a mixing environment like that.

I don't know if you have a retirement accout or a favorite charity ... but I'm a big fan of IRA's and Make a Wish Foundation or Habitat for Humanity. They could use your $500 bucks a lot more than Guitar Center, I'm sure.

If you insist on getting new speakers, then you need to audition this stuff. Everyone's going to have a different preference, and what you need to do is listen for yourself and find the speakers that give you the audio information the way you need to have it presented.

yeas,,, i will be buying 2 pairs of ns 10's that way when inaccurate bass reproduction continues to suck the life out of me i can feel better knowing at least i have lots of really good gear..:eek: