monitor and headphone q's


New member
2 questions that I would love to hear any input on:
1) Any opinions on M-Audio Studiophile 2.1 monitors?

2) the difference in structure or usefulness between open-back and closed-back headphones?

:D Yo Going UP:

Monitors? Lots of information if you search around the site. Better to be in the store and bring your own CD and listen to various types of monitors. Lots of good ones out there depending on how much you want to spend.

As for the open/closed cans, closed cans are less prone to bleed when you are doing a vocal track. Some mics are super sensitive and might pick-up the background sounds thus "bleeding" into the vocal track.

If you're buying cans or monitors, wait until after January 1 and shop the catalogs and 800 numbers for deals.

Green Hornet :rolleyes: :cool: :D
Merry Christmas
I probably will be shopping right after 2005 rings in... I just happened to see some M-audio monitors discounted on a web site (don't actually remember which) so I thought I would solicit opinions on those just after I saw them.

by the way... what is the "rep power" rating that goes along with my name? no clue what that means.

The M-Audio BX8s sound ok. I A/B'd them when I bought my wharfdale 8.2a's. The BX5s sound scooped and hyped and the LX series are glorified computer speakers. IMHO
Ok, good to know... but what's your feeling on the Wharfdale 8.2s, since you compared them with the MX8s? I'm finding that apparently the Wharfdales are the biggest lightning rod for controversy on this bulletin board.
Escalator? said:
Ok, good to know... but what's your feeling on the Wharfdale 8.2s, since you compared them with the MX8s? I'm finding that apparently the Wharfdales are the biggest lightning rod for controversy on this bulletin board.
Hey ...lator.
If you have $14.00 to burn buy the Futuremusic magazine. They just finished their Monitor comparison. In the December issue they tackled the mid and upper price range. Anyway, in there they'll tell you based on what you want.
Do you want accuraccy? Then buy Event TR5 or if you are going to listen for hours on end then get the Samson Resolv 65a (easier on the ear).
The KRK8 are a damn good set of monitors for Rock music (only).

They did the lower price range in the November issue!

Good luck!
As Dracon mentioned, the article's "blind test with some pros" is interesting and useful. But if I recall correctly, the lower-priced winners (for accuracy) were the Yamaha and M-Audio 5 inchers. I remember how surprised these pros were by the little Yamahas' accuracy and by the good stuff produced by a newer company, M-Audio. But I don't remember seeing the Events listed.

Boy, the Rolands sure took a beating, though, didn't they?

But check it all out for yourself in Future Music. It's a fun read.

Good luck,

jeffree said:
As Dracon mentioned, the article's "blind test with some pros" is interesting and useful. But if I recall correctly, the lower-priced winners (for accuracy) were the Yamaha and M-Audio 5 inchers. I remember how surprised these pros were by the little Yamahas' accuracy and by the good stuff produced by a newer company, M-Audio. But I don't remember seeing the Events listed.

Boy, the Rolands sure took a beating, though, didn't they?
I didn't get the November issue. I'll have to pick that one up. Althought they did mention that the M-Audio BX5 (I think) was the winner. However, I would stil like to get the Nov. Mag. I'll have to see if FM will sell me that back issue.
I have a question pertaining to Headphones.
I bought the MorMe Deluxe (yeah I went all out) for tracking.
However, since my 'Control Room' and my 'Vocal Room' is all one room I realized that when I'm recording my wife, that I need a pair of headphones too.
Should I just get another pair of MoreMe or is there a benefit for me to get a better set of headphones for myself?
I only have a set of Altec Lasing (Computer Speakers) for Monitoring. So I've sometimes used the headphones to listen to some details to clean the track (like chair noises etc). This means that may be wearing the headphones for an hour at a time.
Any suggestions?
If you're far enough away from an open mic, an open back set of headphones might be a better choice to accurately hear what's going on. If you need closed back phones, the Beyer DT770's or the Sennheiser HD280s are pretty good choices.
Harvey Gerst said:
If you're far enough away from an open mic, an open back set of headphones might be a better choice to accurately hear what's going on. If you need closed back phones, the Beyer DT770's or the Sennheiser HD280s are pretty good choices.
As always Harv, I'm not worthy.
Thanks for all the usefull information you have given us all in this BBS.
Seriously, I was reading the big thread yesterday and I had to take a break 'cause there's just so much useful info.
I'll look into those Senn or the Beyers.

By the way I'll test my Sony MDR-V250 to see if the leaking sound get's captured in the mic. Maybe I'll go for some open back.
I just read the Future Music monitor shoot-out review that Dracon mentioned. What an interesting comparison, especially if one considers the previous month's related review. (The last two issues looked at two price ranges of monitors.) When reading, I realized that the British prices are obvioulsy different than in the USA, so certain monitors are grouped together that would typically be in different price ranges here.

But yes, there were a lot of surprised panelists... the Event 5 was especially highly rated, as was the Samson 65, Yamaha 3 & 5, and the M-Audio 5. Lower rated (interesting to see) were two Roland models, the Tapco 5, two KRK models, the M-Audio 8--and even the small Mackie and Genelec models (not dissed, but not the strongest in the price range). It's all just a bunch of pro opinions, certainly to take with a grain of salt, but it's a really helpful round-up for anyone looking into some new monitors. Next month's issue, the third and last in the series, will look at the highest price range.

I think what most surprised me, overall, was how successful the two small Yamaha monitors were received--these are two monitors that don't receive much press in forums these days. Live and learn, I guess.


hello guys, here in mexico we got future music "Spain Version", and like 3 months old, so whatever u saw in novermer 2004, i get that issue like at half 2005.

if anyone of u guys are so gentle and can scan an email the future music reviews i apreciate.


if u can just do to this email:

cuz my registred email here is only a 2 mb hotmail :P

thanks again.
By the way I tried my Sony to see if the mic would capture all the bleeding, and not even close. If you listened real close when I held the headphones opened, and at full blast you could hear a faint sound.

I may go with the Sennheiser 280 but I'll see what the Beyer go for simply 'cause I've heard good things about Beyer.