module sounds or triggered samples or...? help please!


New member
So I have an electric kit that i use to record sometimes with (yamaha dtxplorer) if im feeling lazy or just doing a rough demo and am using the quarter inch line out of the module to record its sounds.

But i wondered if using samples triggered via midi would give me better sounding results, and if so, could anyone advise me on which programs are best to do this with, or where samples could be obtained from.

Would something like ezdrummer be the best choice to getting closer to a natural drum sound?

Any help at all on this would be greatly appreciated!
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I use a Roland TD-10 kit. I always record the MIDI rather than the analog sounds until I'm ready for the final 2 track mix. Often after I lay done other tracks I find I want to adjust the drum sounds and if I track the analog on the front end I'm pretty much committed to those sounds.

I have used the TD10 to trigger both sounds from EZDrummer and from BFD - and have been satisfied with both - although my TD-10 allow so much tweaking of the sounds insiude the module that (and I've worked with the TD10 for so long - I feel I can get very "realistic sounds directly from the module).

Often the samples can sound much more "realistic" but much depends on how you trigger them (levels of velocity, etc.)