modify wave form?


New member
when recording in N is there any way to make the wave form larger? All I get is a very small "squiggly" line. Very hard to see!
In Sonar they have a scale function on the end of the track view that can expand or contract it, but (not knowing N') I would assume (risky! :rolleyes: that it's scaled appropriately already -and your record levels are low maybe?
There are buttons in the tool bar with magnifying glasses on them.
They allow you to zoom in or out on the wave forms.
You can zoom both hight and width.
If for some reason they aren't in your tool bar .... right click in a blank area of the tool bar > select customize and add them.
Alternately, you can access the zoom functions via view > zoom.
thanks cranz1 . . .

you sure are a knowledgeable N guy appreciate your feedback :)

Are you nearly through writing the "all you ever wanted to know about n-track but were afraid to ask" book? ;)