Modern Metal Guitar Tone - (w/ sample)

This is generally how I go about recording heavy distorted guitars:

Get the guitarist to plug into a DI box and send that to a cab. Record the cab with two close dynamics and far ldc (3' or so). Also record the DI signal. Next, send the DI signal out to a different head and record the guitar again. Then use nudges to perfectly phase align each guitar track to the closest sample. I found HUGE changes to the overall tone by shifting one track just a few samples. Then layer these two amps and the DI signal w/amp sim. Then send this to a delay channel and delay the signal 20-30 msec w/no feedback or eq rolloff. This delay is called automatic double tracking (ADT). Use same panning for ADT track as original tracks and don't overuse the ADT track.
Repeat for guitar two...
And when I have two heavy distorted guitars I will usually pan hard left and right.

Editing is also important. Good luck tightening up a sloppy performance with EQ! Also, by recording the DI track you now have an easy guide for editing. Ever tried cutting a guitar track at every note without a DI track??? Good luck!

There is no "magic" plugin that is going to make everything sound great. As the saying goes 'you can't polish a turd'. Don't rely on EQ to shape your tone. You can get much better results with proper micing techniques, rather than fixing all the poorly mic'd instruments in the mixing stage. And for heavily distorted guitars, compression is almost entirely unnecessary! The signal already looks like a 2x4. Not an integral part of the tone.

The only way you get good guitar recordings is by making alot of shitty guitar recordings!! Then over time you learn how to get it right. It's not as easy as using the "instant sick f@#&ing guitars?!" plug-in. But wheres the fun in that anyway???
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